Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/2/2016

Item Creation Date: 7/11/2016

MYR ~ 2016 Memorial Heights Redevelopment Authority Nomination ltr. 7-11-16

Agenda Item#: 2.


REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the appointment of CHRISTOPHER DAVID MANRIQUEZ, Houston Independent School District Representative, to Position Six of the MEMORIAL-HEIGHTS REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS, for a term to expire December 31, 2016


The Honorable City Council

City of Houston


Dear Council Members:


Pursuant to prior State of Texas legislations now codified as Subchapter D of Chapter 431 of the Texas Transportation Code; Chapter 394 of the Texas Local Government Code; City of Houston, Texas Ordinance No. 96-1337; and City of Houston, Texas Resolution No. 97-67, as amended by Resolution No. 2001-33, I am appointing the following individual to the Memorial-Heights Redevelopment Authority Board of Directors, subject to Council confirmation;


Christopher David Manriquez, Houston Independent School District Representative appointment to Position Six, for a term to expire December 31, 2016.


The résumé of the nominee is attached for your review.

