Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 5/24/2016
Item Creation Date: 4/27/2016

HITS- First Amendment to Verizon Wireless Contract

Agenda Item#: 47.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing first amendment to contract (Approved by Ordinance No. 2015-151) between the City of Houston and GTE MOBILNET OF SOUTH TEXAS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (d/b/a VERIZON WIRELESS) to provide a Facilities Access License for installation of In-Building Equipment in connection with the existing Wireless Communications Equipment and Services for the Houston Information Technology Services Department


This was Item 17 on Agenda of May 11, 2016



The Interim Chief Information Officer recommends that City Council approve an amending ordinance authorizing a first amendment to the contract between the City of Houston and GTE Mobilnet of South Texas Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless to provide additional services, equipment and maintenance for in-building coverage in connection with the existing wireless communications equipment and services.


The contract was awarded on February 18, 2015 by ordinance 2015-151 for a three year contract with two one-year options in an amount not to exceed $26,666,666.00. Expenditures as of April 25, 2016 totaled $5,585,322.88.


As part of the agreement, the vendor pledged $1,000,000.00 to address coverage deficiencies in several key City buildings. The addendum provides the license for installation, maintenance and operation of in-building coverage equipment for use with the wireless service pursuant to the original agreement. It establishes the parameters each party will operate within to reach agreement on individual Statement of Work (SOW) for each location.


Hire Houston First (HHF):

Verizon Wireless does not meet the requirement of Hire Houston First (HHF); no firms were with three percent of the proposed contract fee.


MWBE Subcontracting:

The original contract was issued with a MWBE goal of 19%. The contractor has achieved a participation level of 56.64%. The Mayor's Office of Business Opportunity will continue to monitor this contract to ensure MWBE participation.


Pay or Play:

The proposed contract requires compliance with the City's "Pay or Play ordinance" regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. in this case the contractor provides health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with the City policy.











Interim Chief Information Officer

Tina Carkhuff

Prior Council Action:
2015-151: 2/18/2015
Contact Information:

Somayya Scott

Phone: 832-393-0082

HITS- Verizon Wireless Amendment Signed RCASigned Cover sheet