Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 6/1/2016
Item Creation Date: 4/22/2016

H25802 - Oracle Licenses & Software Maintenance

Agenda Item#: 6.


APPROVE spending authority in an amount not to exceed $2,756,334.16 for Oracle Licenses and Software Maintenance through the Texas Department of Information Resources for the Department of Public Works & Engineering, awarded to NEBULOGIC TECHNOLOGIES - $812,768.58 and ORACLE AMERICA, INC - $1,943,565.58 - Enterprise and Other Funds


S17-H25802 - Approve spending authority for the purchase of Oracle Licenses and Software Maintenance in an amount not to exceed $2,756,334.16 through the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) for the Department of Public Works and Engineering.


Specific Explanation

The Director of the Department of Public Works & Engineering and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve spending authority in an amount not to exceed $2,756,334.16 for the purchase of Oracle licenses and software maintenance through the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR).  Additionally, it is also recommended and that authorization be given to issue purchase orders, as necessary, to DIR’s Go-Direct Vendors Nebulogic Technologies ($812,768.58) and Oracle America, Inc. ($1,943,565.58) for the Department of Public Works & Engineering (PWE).  The spending authority is expected to sustain Oracle software license compliance and maintenance through fiscal year 2018.


The purchase includes licenses and maintenance for critical PWE databases and SOA applications. Oracle licenses are required on database servers that house and process PWE work management systems and data warehouses.  Additionally, this procurement allows PWE to adhere to license compliance and allows upgrades to remain current with the database software versions released by Oracle.  Both components contained in the purchase are essential for PWE to maintain and manage its technology systems.



























Hire Houston First

This procurement is exempt from the City’s Hire Houston First Ordinance.  Bids/proposals were not solicited because the department is utilizing an Interlocal or Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for this purchase.


M/WBE Participation:

MWBE Zero Percentage Goal Document approved by the Office of Business of Opportunity.





John J. Gillespie, Chief Procurement Officer               

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division

Amount of Funding:

$1,113,730.02 - Building Inspection Fund (2301)

$   887,281.24 - Water and Sewer System Operating Fund (8300)

$   725,702.40- Stormwater Fund (2302)

$     29,620.50- Project Cost Recovery Fund (1001)


Contact Information:
David Guernsey, Assistant Director, PWE    Phone: (832)395-3640                  
Martin King, Division Manager, FIN/SPD    Phone: (832) 393-8705
Murdock Smith, Sr. Procurement Specialist, FIN/SPD  Phone: (832)393,-8725
Signed coversheetSigned Cover sheet
Oracle OBO DocumentBackup Material
Nbeulogic OBO DocumentBackup Material