Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 6/1/2016
Item Creation Date: 5/10/2016

20JAI628 Contract Award/Insituform Technologies

Agenda Item#: 30.


ORDINANCE appropriating $3,245,264.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund; awarding contract to INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES, LLC for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation by Cured-In-Place Pipe Method (LDS); setting a deadline for the bidder’s execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for engineering and testing, and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund (WW4258-68)


SUBJECTContract Award for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation by Cured-In-Place Pipe Method (LDS), WBS# R-002013-0048-4.


RECOMMENDATION:  (Summary)  Accept low bid, award construction contract, and appropriate funds.


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: This project is part of the Neighborhood Sewer Rehabilitation Program and is required to renew/replace various deteriorated neighborhood collection systems throughout the City.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consists of sanitary sewer rehabilitation by cured-in-place pipe method. The contract duration for this project is 540 calendar days. 


LOCATION:  The work order project area is generally bounded by the City Limits.


BIDS:  Three (3) bids were received on February 18, 2016 for this project as follows:


      Bidder Bid Amount
1. Insituform Technologies, LLC                           $3,062,156.44
2. rePipe Construction, LLC dba IPR South Central, LLC    $3,106,320.53
3. T Construction, LLC $3,764,907.75


AWARD: It is recommended that this construction contract be awarded to Insituform Technologies, LLC, with a bid of $3,062,156.44.


PROJECT COST:  The total cost of this project is $3,245,264.00 to be appropriated as follows:


·        Bid Amount                                                   $3,062,156.44

·        Contingencies                                                  $153,107.56

·        Engineering Testing Services                            $30,000.00


Engineering Testing Services will be provided by HTS, Inc. Consultants under a previously approved contract.


HIRE HOUSTON FIRST:  Hire Houston First does not apply to this expenditure, because it involves the use of federal funds and is subject to specific procurement rules of the federal government.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s Pay or Play ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the contractor provides health benefits for some employees but will pay into the Contract Responsibility Fund for others, in compliance with City policy.


M/WSBE PARTICIPATION: The contractor has submitted the following proposed program to satisfy the 12.94% MBE goal, and 8.72% WBE goal for this project.


    MBE - Name of Firms Work Description Amount % of Contract
1. Chief Solutions, Inc. Clean & Televise Sewer Lines    $120,000.00 3.92%
2. Standard Cement Materials, Inc.    Manhole Rehabilitation  $35,000.00 1.14%
3. Briones Construction & Supply, LTD    Excavation-Bypass $243,000.00 7.94%
    MBE TOTAL    $398,000.00 13.00%
  WBE - Name of Firms Work Description Amount % of Contract
1. Republic Traffic Safety, Inc. Flagger/Traffic Control $25,000.00 0.82%
2. XD VENTURES, LLC Supplies $60,000.00 1.96%
3. KMA Contractors Services, Inc. Supplies $368,000.00 12.02%
    WBE TOTAL    $453,000.00 14.80%



All known rights-of-way and easements required for this project have been acquired.






Amount of Funding:


Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund No. 8500.


This project is eligible for low interest funding through a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Equivalency loan.   

Contact Information:

Jason Iken, P.E.

Senior Assistant Director

Phone:  (832) 395-4989
Signed RCASigned Cover sheet
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