Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 5/24/2016
Item Creation Date: 5/6/2016

20PUD31 Rehabilitation I-10 Canal/Coastal Water Authority

Agenda Item#: 35.


ORDINANCE appropriating $288,580.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund for Repair of Slope Failure at the I-10 Main Canal Siphon Supplying Raw Water to the City of Houston and Operated by the Coastal Water Authority (As approved by Ordinance No. 1995-676)


SUBJECTRehabilitation of slope at the I-10 Main Canal Siphon supplying raw water to the City of Houston and operated by the Coastal Water Authority, WBS: S-000019-0092-4.


RECOMMENDATION:  (Summary)  Ordinance approving and authorizing funding for the rehabilitation of the slope at the I-10 Main Canal Siphon supplying raw water to the City of Houston and operated by Coastal Water Authority. 


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION:  The Coastal Water Authority (CWA) operates the raw surface water transportation system for the City of Houston and provides conveyance for many governmental and industrial users. CWA owns, operates and maintains 36 miles of canals as part of the CWA raw water conveyance system. CWA also owns, operates and maintains the Trinity River intake pumping facility, the Lynchburg pumping facility and the Bayport booster pumping facility.


Under the terms of a Water Conveyance System Contract between the City and the Authority dated May 28, 1968 (1968 Contract), the City agreed to fund the operation, maintenance, and capital improvement budgets of the Trinity River Water Conveyance Project (Conveyance Project).  The 1968 Contract was amended, restated, and superseded in part by an Operating Contract between the parties dated June 15, 1995 (Operating Contract), which was approved by City Council on June 21, 1995 by Ordinance #95-676.  The Operating Contract sets forth the terms and conditions under which CWA will operate the Conveyance Project and is effective until the earlier of June 15, 2035 or the termination of both the 1968 Contract and the Projects Contract, which was also approved by City Council on June 21, 1995 by Ordinance #95-676.


Pursuant to the Operating Contract, the Department of Public Works and Engineering is requesting funding to rehabilitate an earthen slope along CWA’s Main Canal near a siphon crossing at IH-10 and Crosby Lynchburg Road in Baytown, Texas.  The project includes furnishing labor, equipment and materials to rehabilitate an approximately 7,000 SF slope failure by excavating the soil at the failure location and compacting the soil with geogrid reinforcements installed across the slope failure at regular intervals.  This work will also include the installation of gravel drains with perforated pipe and filter fabric.  The rehabilitation of the slope is necessary to improve the soil and grade of the slope, resulting in improved drainage and protection of the land adjacent to the canal.   


This project followed procurement practices consistent with City of Houston guidelines.  Five bid estimates were received and a recommendation has been made to award the project to Lecon, Inc. (for Mobilization, Construction and Restoration services) and HVJ Support (for Construction Materials and Inspection Services).  The proposed budget for this project is $288,580.   


It is recommended that City Council approve this capital expenditure in the amount of $288,580.

Prior Council Action:
Ordinance 1995-0676, dated 06/21/1995
Amount of Funding:

$288,580  I-10 Siphon Slope Repair/$288,580  

Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund 8500 



Contact Information:

Yvonne Forrest

Senior Assistant Director

Phone:  832-395-2847
Signed RCASigned Cover sheet
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