Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 6/1/2016
District B
Item Creation Date: 4/18/2016


Agenda Item#: 5.


RECOMMENDATION from Director Department of Public Works & Engineering to transfer funds in the amount of $90,009.00 from Street and Drainage & Traffic Control DDSRF to the Houston Airport System Revenue 8001, for the transfer of Parcel AY14-150, located in the 3100 block of Greens Road, owned by the City of Houston, a Municipal Corporation situated in Harris, Fort Bend and Montgomery Counties, Texas, for the GREENS ROAD PAVING AND DRAINAGE PROJECT  from Aldine Westfield to John F. Kennedy Boulevard - DISTRICT B - DAVIS


SUBJECT:  PROPERTY: Recommendation approving and authorizing the TRANSFER OF FUNDS in the amount of $90,009.00 from Fund 4042 – Street and Drainage & Traffic Control DDSRF to the Houston Airport System Revenue Fund 8001 for the transfer of Parcel AY14-150, located in the 3100 Block of Greens Road for the GREENS ROAD PAVING AND DRAINAGE PROJECT (from Aldine Westfield to John F. Kennedy Boulevard).

WBS N-000686-0002-2-01

OWNER: The City of Houston, a Municipal Corporation situated in Harris, Fort Bend and Montgomery Counties, Texas 


A Motion be passed and authority be given to transfer $90,009.00 from Fund 4042 – Street and Drainage & Traffic Control DDSRF to the Houston Airport System Revenue Fund 8001 for the transfer of Parcel AY14-150, located in the 3100 Block of Greens Road for the GREENS ROAD PAVING AND DRAINAGE PROJECT (from Aldine Westfield to John F. Kennedy Boulevard).


The GREENS ROAD PAVING AND DRAINAGE PROJECT (from Aldine Westfield to John F. Kennedy Boulevard), is a project designed to improve traffic flow/circulation, reduce congestion, and eliminate potential hazards on Greens Road, a designated major thoroughfare.  This joint project with TxDOT approved by Ordinance 2015-707, passed July 29, 2015, consists of the removal of the original two lane asphalt roadway and replacement with a four lane concrete divided boulevard with curbs, sidewalks and street lighting, an underground storm sewer system, off-site storm sewer detention facilities, and replacement of sanitary sewer and water lines.

Parcel AY14-150, which is owned by the Houston Airport System (HAS), is needed for street widening and a water line for the subject project.  Houston Airport System is supportive of this project and has approved the transfer of this parcel.  Since federal funds were used by the Houston Airport System to acquire the property, a transfer of funds to compensate the Houston Airport System is required. 


The Department of Public Works and Engineering desires to utilize 10,001 square feet of land owned by the Houston Airport System for street widening and water line purposes.  An appraisal was performed by Frank D. Flores.  The valuation was reviewed and recommended for approval by a senior staff appraiser of this department.  The breakdown is as follows:


Parcel AY14-150 (Fee)




10,001 square feet @ $9.00 PSF..............................................$ 90,009.00


TOTAL AMOUNT...................................................................... $ 90,009.00


It is recommended a Motion be passed and authority be given to transfer $90,009.00 from Fund 4042 – Street and Drainage & Traffic Control DDSRF to the Houston Airport System Revenue Fund 8001 for the transfer of Parcel AY14-150, located in the 3100 Block of Greens Road for the GREENS ROAD PAVING AND DRAINAGE PROJECT (from Aldine Westfield to John F. Kennedy Boulevard).


Parcel AY14-150, located in the 3100 Block of Greens Road, is owned by Houston Airport System.  This parcel contains 10,001 square feet of land situated in the T. S. Roberts Survey, A-659, located in Harris County, Texas, being a portion of that certain called 2,580.118-acre tract of land conveyed to the City of Houston by deed dated April 2, 1958 of record under Volume 3488, Page 583 and by deed dated October 13, 1964 of record under Volume 5857, Page 131 both of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, according to City of Houston approved field notes.  

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance 2014-0240, passed March 26, 2014

Ordinance 2015-707, passed July 29, 2015
Amount of Funding:


Covered under Blanket Appropriation Ordinance Number 2014-0240



Contact Information:

Nancy P. Collins                

Senior Assistant Director

Phone: (832) 395-3130




Dale A. Rudick, P.E., Director

Department of Public Works and Engineering 

Signed RCASigned Cover sheet
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