Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 5/24/2016
Item Creation Date: 4/13/2016

HITS- Third Amendment to ILA with Harris County Joint Radio Facility and Spending Authority

Agenda Item#: 14.


ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 2012-0897 (Passed by City Council on October 10, 2012) to increase the maximum contract amount for Contract No. 4600011832 between the City of Houston and HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS; and approving and authorizing Amendment No. 3 to the same Contract No. 4600011832 relating to the Joint Radio Maintenance Facility located at 2318 Greens Road, Houston, Texas to add provisions and guidelines for shared services and approve an ordinance to authorize spending in the amount of $50,000 for the cost of operation and maintenance of the Joint Radio Maintenance Facility - General Fund



The Interim Chief Information Officer recommends City Council approve an amending ordinance authorizing a third amendment to the Interlocal Agreement between the City of Houston and Harris County to enact provisions and guidelines for shared services, and also to approve an ordinance authorizing  spending in the amount of $50,000.00 to allow the City to pay for 50% of the cost for operation and maintenance of the Joint Radio Maintenance Facility.


The proposed Amendment enables the parties to provide repair and other miscellaneous services to each other's customers on an as needed basis as authorized and as directed. The City and County will not direct one another's employees but instead work between peer level managers to make the appropriate assignments/requests for assistance. other services would include but are not limited to to the sharing of equipment/parts, joint procurement and other cost savings measures.


The agreement required the establishment of proper controls and audits to ensure that revenues and expenses can be properly tracked and reconciled. Reconciliation will take place as needed but at least quarterly. Also, at no time will the pre-reconciliation balances exceed $100,000.00. each entity also agrees to regular audits as required by the appropriate business units of each agency.


The agreement established that the City would pay 50% of the expenses. This amendment establishes a spending authority for the agreement. The estimated spending is as follows:


Year One Year Two  Year Three  Year Four  Year Five  Total 
 $10,000.00   $10,000.00   $10,000.00   $10,000.00   $10,000.00   $50,000.00  


HITS will include this expense as part of its annual General Fund budget going forward.



on October 10,2012, the City of Houston and Harris County entered into a Interlocal Agreement to co-locate each parties radio shop equipment and personnel in a facility located at 2318 Greens Road. The agreement included the acquisition of land, construction of the facility, operation, and maintenance responsibilities of the joint facility. Both City and Harris County own 50% of the land and the improvements. The facility houses a Network operations Center as well as repair and maintenance for all Harris County and City of Houston public safety and general government radios.


This item was presented to the Public safety Committee on April 12,2016.








Interim Chief Information Officer

Tina Carkhuff

Prior Council Action:

2012-0674: 07/20/2012

2012-0897: 10/10/2012

2013-0896: 10/09/2013

2015-0276: 04/01/2015

Amount of Funding:

$10,000.00 - FY2016 general fund (1000)

$40,000.00 - general fund (1000)- out years


Contact Information:

Somayya Scott

Phone: 832-393-0082

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet
HITS-RCA 3rd amenedment and spending authority for joint Radio facility w/Harris CountyBackup Material