Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 6/1/2016
Item Creation Date: 4/13/2016

20JTH12 PES/Chester Engineers, Inc.

Agenda Item#: 24.


ORDINANCE appropriating $580,000.00 out of Street & Traffic Control and Storm Drainage DDSRF-A; and approving and authorizing Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City of Houston and CHESTER ENGINEERS, INC for FY2016 Local Drainage Project Negotiated Design Work Orders; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating  to construction of facilities financed by the Street & Traffic Control and Storm Drainage DDSRF-A


SUBJECT:  Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City and Chester Engineers, Inc., for FY 2016 Local Drainage Project Negotiated Design Work Orders, WBS No. M-420126-0094-3.


RECOMMENDATION:  (Summary)  An ordinance approving a Professional Engineering Services Contract with Chester Engineers, Inc. and appropriate funds.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION:  Investigate and resolve localized storm water drainage problems that have been nominated for investigation by the Street and Drainage Division, Storm Water Maintenance Branch.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE:  This project is part of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and is required to provide professional engineering services to address local storm water drainage system improvements and repairs citywide.


LOCATION:  The project location and limit will be established by each work order.


SCOPE OF CONTRACT AND FEE:  Under the terms and scope of the Contract, the Consultant will perform Basic and Additional Services for Phase I - Preliminary Design (Screening), Phase II - Final Design, and Phase III - Construction Phase Services, as defined by the work order.  The Basic and Additional Services Fee for each work order will be negotiated based on the scope of services required and all Phases will be paid on a reimbursable basis with authorization not-to-exceed the agreed amount.


The total cost of this project is $580,000.00 to be appropriated as follows:  $500,000.00 for Contract Services and $80,000.00 for CIP Cost Recovery.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors.  In this case, the Consultant provides health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with City policy.


M/WBE PARTICIPATIONThe M/WBE goal for the project is set at 15.00%.  The Consultant has proposed the following firms to achieve this goal.


       Name of Firms Work Description Amount  % of Total Contract
1. CYPM Corporation                Construction Inspection       $20,000.00 4.00%
2. Austin-Reed Engineers, Inc.   Geotechnical Services $25,000.00 5.00%
3. FCM Engineers, PC Engineering Services $25,000.00  5.00%
4. Amani Engineering, Inc. Surveying Services $25,000.00 5.00%
5. EJES Incorporated Engineering Services $25,000.00 5.00%
    TOTAL     $120,000.00   24.00%






Amount of Funding:


Street & Traffic Control and Storm Drainage DDSRF-A

 Fund 4042A

Contact Information:

Ravi Kaleyatodi, P.E., CPM

Phone(832) 395-2326

Senior Assistant Director
Signed RCASigned Cover sheet
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