Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/8/2016
Item Creation Date: 1/29/2016

20JSW106 ISI Contracting, Inc.

Agenda Item#: 32.


ORDINANCE appropriating $1,023,702.50 out of Street & Traffic Control and Storm Drainage DDSRF; awarding contract to ISI CONTRACTING, INC for On-Call Neighborhood Traffic Management Program Construction Contract; setting a deadline for the bidder's execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance, and other required contract documents to the City; holding the bidder in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for engineering and testing services relating to construction of facilities financed by the Street & Traffic Control and Storm Drainage DDSRF


SUBJECT:  Contract Award for On-Call Neighborhood Traffic Management Program    Construction, ISI Contracting, Inc., WBS No. N-320660-0023-4.


RECOMMENDATION:  (Summary)  Accept low bid, award construction Contract to ISI Contracting, Inc., and appropriate funds.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is to construct traffic calming devices such as traffic circles, speed cushions, entrance/exit islands, directional islands and bulb-out islands in various locations throughout the City of Houston. Signing and pavement markings may also be required to accompany these devices.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consists of construction of traffic calming devices along with necessary signing and pavement markings in various neighborhoods throughout the City of Houston. The Contract duration for this project is 730 calendar days. This is a work order based contract with projects assigned on an as-needed basis.


LOCATION:  The work will be City wide.


BIDS:  This project was advertised for bidding on August 28, 2015 and September 4, 2015. The Bid was received on September 17, 2015. The one bid is as follows:


                        Bidder                                                  Bid Amount


1.         ISI Contracting, Inc.                               $993,702.50


ISI Contracting, Inc. was the sole bidder on this project. The installation of traffic calming devices is specialized and the contractors have been reluctant to bid on this contract.  Currently, ISI Contracting, Inc. is handling several NTMP construction contracts for TOD.  The bid item prices are comparable to what we paid in previous years; therefore, the department feels that we are receiving good value.


AWARD:  It is recommended that this construction contract be awarded to ISI Contracting, Inc., with a low bid of $993,702.50.


PROJECT COST:  The total cost of this project is $1,023,702.50 to be appropriated as follows:


·  Bid Amount                                             $993,702.50

·  Engineering and Testing Services         $   30,000.00  


Engineering and Testing will be provided by JRB Engineering, LLC under a previously approved contract.


HIRE HOUSTON FIRST:   The contractor does not meet the requirements of Hire Houston First; ISI Contracting, Inc. was the sole bidder.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors.  In this case, the contractor provides benefits for some employees but will pay into the Contractor Responsibility Fund for others, in compliance with City policy.


M/WBE PARTICIPATION:  No City M/WBE participation goal is established for this project as the contract amount does not exceed the threshold of $1,000,000.00 required for a goal oriented contract per Section 15-82 of the Code of Ordinances.

Amount of Funding:


Street & Traffic Control and  Storm Drainage DDSRF (Fund No. 4042)

Contact Information:

Khang Nguyen, P.E., PTOE

Phone:  (832) 395-3008

Assistant Director
Signed RCASigned Cover sheet