Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/8/2016
District I
Item Creation Date: 2/12/2016

20TAA163 - Downtown Development Authority

Agenda Item#: 27.


ORDINANCE appropriating $1,669,520.00 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund and approving and authorizing Construction Reimbursement Agreement between the City of Houston and the DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY for the improvements of the existing water lines and sewer lines as part of the Shopping District Streetscape Project; providing a maximum contract amount - DISTRICT I - GALLEGOS


SUBJECT: Agreement for Construction Reimbursement between the City of Houston and the Downtown Development Authority for the improvements of the existing water lines and sewer lines as part of the Shopping District Streetscape Project. WBS Nos. N-T03001-0001-7, S-000521-0203-7 and R-000521-0203-7.


RECOMMENDATION: (Summary) Adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing an Agreement for Construction Reimbursement between the City of Houston and Downtown Development Authority and appropriate funds.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: The City authorized the creation of the Downtown Development Authority to aid, assist and act on behalf of Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 3. The Authority adopted a project entitled Shopping District Streetscape Improvements in its 2015-2019 Capital Improvement Plan and in its adopted Fiscal Year 2015 operating Budget. The Improvements of sanitary sewer and water lines needing modifications of varying degrees on Dallas Street would be to the advantage of both the Authority and the City.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: The improvements will consist of rehabilitation of the existing 30-inch gravity sanitary sewer pipe using cured-in-place pipe method (CIPP). The rehabilitation of the pipe will result in an increase of the pipe capacity by 30 % from 16.13 CFS to 21.5 CFS. The improvements will also consist of removing and replacing all water lines along Dallas Street that are less than 12 inches in diameter with 12-inch diameter water lines or larger. All fire hydrants along Dallas Street will also be removed and replaced in order to be properly positioned at the new curb line.


LOCATION: The improvements are to be located on Dallas from Milam to Crawford, Polk from Travis to Fannin, San Jacinto from Dallas to Lamar, Caroline from Polk to Lamar and Austin from Dallas to Lamar, in Key Map grid 493Q.


SCOPE OF THIS AGREEMENT:  The City authorized the creation of the Downtown Development Authority to aid, assist and act on behalf of the City and Reinvestment Zone Number 3, City of Houston, Texas. The Authority adopted a project entitled Shopping District Streetscape Improvements in its Capital Improvements Plan and adopted Fiscal Year 2016 Operating Budget. As the improvements were at the request of the city, it was agreed the city would reimburse the downtown development authority for the cost associated with the construction of the water and sewer improvements.  

Under the terms of the reimbursement agreement, the City’s funding responsibility shall not exceed $1,669,520.00. Therefore, it is necessary to appropriate funds in the amount of $1,669,520.00.


ACTION RECOMMENDED: It is recommended that City Council adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing an Agreement for Construction Reimbursement between the City of Houston and Downtown Development Authority and appropriate funds.


Amount of Funding:


Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction

Fund No. 8500.

Contact Information:

Ravi Kaleyatodi, PE., CPM

Phone: (832) 395-2326
Senior Assistant Director

Signed RCA (revised)Signed Cover sheet
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