Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/8/2016
Item Creation Date: 2/24/2016

S24425-A1 Bell 412 Series Twin Engine Helicopter Component Overhaul/Exchange and Repair Services-MOTION

Agenda Item#: 3.


AMEND MOTION #2013-300, 5/8/13, TO EXTEND the expiration date from May 13, 2016 to May 13, 2018, for Bell 412 Series Twin Engine Helicopter Component  Overhaul/Exchange and Repair Services for the Houston Police Department, awarded to RSG AVIATION, INC


S21-S24425-A1 - Amend Council Motion 2013-0300, passed May 8, 2013, to extend the expiration date for Bell 412 series twin-engine helicopter component overhaul/exchange and repair services for the Houston Police Department from May 13, 2016 to May 13, 2018.


Specific Explanation:

The Chief of the Houston Police Department and the City Purchasing Agent recommend that City Council amend Council Motion 2013-0300, passed May 8, 2013 to extend the expiration date for Bell 412 series twin-engine helicopter component overhaul/exchange and repair services for the Houston Police Department awarded to RSG Aviation, Inc. from May 13, 2016 to May 13, 2018, with no additional spending authority required. 


This award began May 14, 2013 for a 36-month term in amount not to exceed $330,014.62.  Expenditures as of January 26, 2016 totaled $7,828.84.  This amendment will extend the expiration date to May 13, 2018 at the original bid price with no additional spending authority required.   All other terms and conditions remain as originally approved by Council. 


This award consists of thirty-seven line items which may require overhaul/exchange service dependent on engine internal condition, life limited part status, and/or extent of corrosion, erosion, or other damage caused by abnormal conditions.  The extension will allow the department to purchase parts and or labor services in the event the Bell 412EPs are deemed non-airworthy.  Additionally, this award includes a  labor component in the amount of $120,000.00  for repair work that cannot be performed by the City aircraft maintenance personnel.


Hire Houston First:

The proposed award requires compliance with the City’s ‘Hire Houston First’ (HHF) ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation.  In this case, RSG Aviation, Inc. did not meet the requirements for HHF designation; no HHF firms were within three percent.




__________________________________                ___________________________________

Calvin D. Wells, City Purchasing Agent                   Department Approval Authority Signature

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division

Prior Council Action:
CM 2013-0300; Passed: May 8, 2013
Contact Information:

Joseph A. Fenninger

(713) 308-1770

Desiree Heath

(832) 393-8742

Laura Guthrie

(832) 393-8735

RCA#S24425-A1 RSG Aviation, IncSigned Cover sheet