Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/8/2016
Item Creation Date: 1/20/2016

S25338 - E. Coli Water Test Kits and Supplies- MOTION

Agenda Item#: 5.


IDEXX DISTRIBUTION, INC for Purchase of E. Coli Water Test Kits and Supplies for Various Departments - 3 Years with two one-year options - $1,067,609.00 - Enterprise and Laboratory Services Funds


Sole Source Bid Received for S35-S25338 - Approve the sole source purchase of E. Coli water test kits from IDEXX Distribution, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,067,609.00 for various departments.


Specific Explanation:

The City Purchasing Agent recommends that City Council approve the sole source purchase of E. Coli water test kits from IDEXX Distribution, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,067,609.00 for  various departments. It is further requested that authorization be given to make purchases, as needed, for a thirty six-month period with two, one year options


This award consists of various types of E. Coli water test kits and supplies such as colilert 24, colilert 18, quanti-Tray 2000, vessels, bottle racks, and quanti-tray sealers to be used by the Department of Public Works & Engineering and Houston Health Department to test for escherichia coli bacteria in the City’s potable water in accordance with the water quality standards as set forth by the Texas State Department of Health.


IDEXX Distribution, Inc. is the sole source manufacturer and has no authorized distributor for these kits and supplies. 


This recommendation is made pursuant to Chapter 252, Section 252.022 (a) (7) (A) of the Texas Local Government Code for exempted procurements.


Hire Houston First:

This procurement is exempt from the City’s Hire Houston First Ordinance.  Bids/proposals were not solicited because the department is utilizing a sole source contractor for this purchase.   


Attachment: M/WBE zero percentage goal-document approved by the Office of Business Opportunity




_________________________________               __________________________________ 

Calvin D. Wells, City Purchasing Agent                   Department Approval Authority Signature

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division




                  Estimated Spending Authority:



Out Years


Public Works & Engineering



$   551,080.00

Houston Health

$  41,600.00


$   516,529.00

Total Amount




Amount of Funding:

$   551,080.00 - PWE - Water & Sewer System Operating Fund (8300)

$   516,529.00 - Laboratory Services Fund (2008) 


$1,067,609.00 - Total

Contact Information:

David Guernsey  832.395.3640

Desiree Heath     832.393.8742

John Dearmon    832.393.8744

S25338 - E. Coli Water Test Kits and Supplies CoversheetSigned Cover sheet