Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/31/2015
Item Creation Date: 3/17/2015

ARA--Roy Norwood DBA The Grease Police SWO Franchise

Agenda Item#: 40.



ORDINANCE No. 2015-244, passed first reading March 25, 2015

ORDINANCE granting to ROY NORWOOD dba THE GREASE POLICE, A Texas Sole Proprietorship, the right, privilege, and franchise to collect, haul, and transport solid waste and industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston, Texas, pursuant to Chapter 39, Code of Ordinances, Houston, Texas; providing for related terms and conditions - SECOND READING


The Administration & Regulatory Affairs Department (ARA) recommends that City Council approve ordinances granting a Commercial Solid Waste Operator Franchise to Velez Trucking Inc., Stream Environmental LLC, Storm-Tex Services LLC and Roy Norwood DBA The Grease Police.  Article VII of Chapter 39 of the City Code of Ordinances makes it unlawful for any commercial solid waste operator to collect, haul or transport solid waste or industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City without first having obtained a franchise for that purpose upon the consent of the City Council. 


ARA’s Franchise Administration collects franchise fees from commercial solid waste transporters, coordinates audits and compliance reviews and actively monitors state and federal legislation and administrative proceedings that impact these fees.  The City currently has 166 Solid Waste Operator Franchises.  For FY 2014, the total solid waste franchise revenue to the City was $6,703,066. 


The proposed Franchises are:


1.      Velez Trucking Inc.

2.      Stream Environmental LLC

3.      Storm-Tex Services LLC

4.      Roy Norwood DBA The Grease Police 


The proposed ordinance grants the Franchisee the right to use the City’s public ways for the purpose of collecting, hauling or transporting solid or industrial waste from commercial properties located within the City of Houston.  In consideration for this grant, each Franchisee agrees to pay to the City an annual Franchise Fee equal to four percent of their annual gross revenue, payable quarterly.  To verify Franchisee compliance with the Franchise, the Franchisee company has the duty to maintain required customer records, which the City has the right to inspect during regular business hours.  The Franchise agreement contains the City’s standard release and indemnification, default and termination, liquidated damages and force majeure provisions.  The proposed Franchise term is 10 years from the effective date.   
Contact Information:

Lara Cottingham                  Phone:  (832) 393- 8503

Naelah Yahya                      Phone:  (832) 393- 8530

3.17.2015 Velez Trucking SWO RCASigned Cover sheet