SUBJECT: Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City and Klotz Associates, Inc. for West Alabama Paving and Drainage: Shepherd to SPUR 527 WBS No. N-100020-0001-3.
RECOMMENDATION: (Summary) An ordinance approving a Professional Engineering Services Contract with Klotz Associates, Inc. and appropriate funds.
PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is part of the Street and Traffic Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and is necessary to meet City of Houston standards as well as improve traffic circulation, mobility and drainage in the service area. Deterioration of the existing pavement and future traffic volumes require that the roadway be reconstructed.
DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consists of the design of approximately 9,200 linear feet of roadway reconstruction. The project provides for the right-of-way acquisition and design of an undivided concrete roadway with storm drainage, curbs and gutter, sidewalks, street lighting, traffic signals, traffic control, and necessary underground utilities.
LOCATION: The project area is generally bound by Westheimer on the north, Richmond on the south, SPUR 527 on the east and Shepherd on the west. The project is located in Key Map Grids 492U, 492V, 493S and 493T.
SCOPE OF CONTRACT AND FEE: Under the scope of the Contract, the Consultant will perform Phase I - Preliminary Design, Phase II - Final Design, Phase III -Construction Phase Services and Additional Services. Basic Services Fee for Phase I is based on cost of time and materials with not-to-exceed agreed upon amount. The Basic Services fees for Phase II and Phase III will be negotiated on a lump sum amount after the completion of Phase I. The negotiated maximum for Phase I Services is $259,255.00. The total Basic Services appropriation is $814,515.00.
The Contract also includes certain Additional Services to be paid either as lump sum or on a reimbursable basis. The Additional Services include surveying, geotechnical investigation, environmental site assessment, phase I and phase II, street lighting, traffic control plans, traffic signals, storm water pollution prevention plans, tree protection, drainage impact study and public meetings. The total Additional Services appropriation is $772,956.00.
The total cost of this project is $1,841,466.00 to be appropriated as follows: $1,587,471.00 for Contract services and $253,995.00 for CIP Cost Recovery.
The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the Consultant provides health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with City policy.
M/WBE PARTICIPATION: The M/WBE goal for the project is set at 24%The Consultant has proposed the following firms to achieve this goal.
Name of Firms
Work Description
% of Total Contract
Othon, Inc.
Environmental & Lighting
Kuo & Associates, Inc.
Geotest Engineering, Inc.
AIA Engineers, LTD.
Traffic Control Plans
Nathelyne A. Kennedy & Associates, L.P.
Storm Water Pollution Prevention
$ 12,194.00