Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 7/30/2024

Item Creation Date:

LGL - Chapter 28 & 30 Amendments - Neighborhood Protests

Agenda Item#: 11.


ORDINANCE adding new section to CHAPTER 28 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, HOUSTON, TEXAS, relating to Targeted Residential Picketing; AMENDING SECTION 30-9 for consistency with the new section; declaring certain conduct to be unlawful and providing a penalty therefor


Council is asked to approve a new section for Chapter 28 of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances related to picketing or demonstrating in front of a residential property.


In order to protect residential privacy and the sense of tranquility and security in the home as well as prevent the targeting of specific residences by picketers and demonstrators, Council is asked to approve a new section in Chapter 28 of the code of ordinances and other related changes. 


The new section includes:


  • Definitions of Focused Picketing and Targeted Dwelling
  • Prohibits focused picketing within 200 feet or a targeted dwelling
  • Lists requirements prior to any citation or arrest


This item also amends Section 30-9 (c) to prohibit the issuance of a permit for any demonstration in front of a residential property.


Council approval is recommended.





Arturo Michel

City Attorney

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