Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 7/16/2024
Item Creation Date: 2/1/2024

WS932429947 - Civic Arts Program (Houston Arts Alliance) - ORDINANCE

Agenda Item#: 16.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract between City of Houston and HOUSTON ARTS ALLIANCE for Professional Civic Art and Conservation Administration Services; providing a maximum contract amount - 2 Years with 3 one-year options - $25,000,000.00 - Enterprise and Other Funds


This was Item 14 on Agenda of July 10, 2024


Sole Source (P15-WS932429947) - Approve an ordinance awarding a contract to Houston Arts Alliance (HAA) in the amount not to exceed $25,000,000.00 to provide professional civic art and conservation administration services for various departments.


Specific Explanation:

The Director of the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (MOCA) and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve an ordinance authorizing a contract for two (2) years with three (3) one-year options to renew between the City of Houston and Houston Arts Alliance (HAA) in the amount not to exceed $25,000,000.00 to provide professional civic art and conservation administration services for various departments. The funding will be made available by supplemental allocations from various departmental civic art budgets up to the maximum contract amount.


HAA, a nonprofit charity, is uniquely skilled in performing the varied professional services identified in the scope of work needed for the Civic Art Program. City of Houston Ordinance No. 2006-731 provides for the creation, funding, and administration of the City’s Civic Art Program.  In compliance with the provisions of the City’s Civic Art Ordinance, 1.75% of the appropriation for eligible City CIP projects is appropriated for Civic Art Program purposes, including new civic art projects and conservation projects. 


The scope of work requires the conservation of artworks within the City’s Civic Art Collection, management of collection assets, the acquisition of new portable and site-specific artworks for City parks and facilities, and the promotion and presentation of Civic Art Collection artworks to the public. The HAA will provide services through Letters of Authorization (LOA) issued by MOCA on a project-by-project basis. HAA’s fees will be determined by project size and scope and agreed upon in the LOA.  The contract stipulates that fees shall not to exceed 13 percent of the lump sum amount of an LOA for the following services: conservation civic art services with budgets over $100,000.00, acquisition civic art services with budgets over $225,000.00, and commission civic art services over $500,000.00.  Projects with lesser budgets, as well as other services including deaccession and collection management, will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. The proposed contract provides that the City may terminate the agreement at any time during the term on 30 days’ notice. HAA will also continue to provide Collection Management Services, propose restoration/conservation treatment of those pieces in need of professional treatment, assist with professional conservator selections, negotiate conservator contracts, perform conservation management, and assist with closing out projects.


This recommendation is made pursuant to subsection 252.022(a)(7) of the Texas Local Government Code, which provides that “a procurement of items that are available from only one source…” is exempt from the competitive requirements for purchase.


M/WBE Participation:

M/WBE Zero Percentage Goal Document approved by the Office of Business Opportunity.


Pay or Play Program:

This procurement is exempt from the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ Program because the department is utilizing  a sole source Agreement for this purchase.


Hire Houston First

This procurement is exempt from the City’s Hire Houston First Ordinance.  Bids/proposals were not solicited because the department is utilizing a sole source contractor for this purchase. 


Fiscal Note

No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.






_____________________________________                   ________________________________ 

Jedediah Greenfield, Chief Procurement Officer            Department Approval Authority  

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division




Estimated Spending Authority





Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs (MOCA)




Amount and Source of Funding:


Public Health Consolidated Construction Fund (4508)


General Improvement Consolidated Construction Fund (4509)


Public Library Consolidated Construction Fund (4507)


Parks Consolidated Construction  Fund (4502)


Street Bridge Consolidated Construction Fund (4506)


Fire Consolidated Construction Fund (4500)


Emergency Alerting System Fund (4017)


Police Consolidated Construction Fund (4504)


Solid Waste Consolidated Construction Fund (4503)


Miscellaneous Acquisition CP Series  E  Fund (4039)


Equipment Acquisition Consolidated Fund (1800)


Reimbursement of Equipment Project Funds (1850)


Regional Participat  Fund (2425)


Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund (8500)


HAS-Airport Improvement Fund (8011)



The funds will be made available by supplemental allocations from various

departmental civic budgets, up to the maximum amount.




Contact Information:

Adeola Otukoya, Division Manager, Finance/SPD (832)393-8786

Candice Gambrell, Assistant Director  Finance/SPD (832)393-9129

Jedediah Greenfield, Chief Procurement Officer Finance/SPD (832)393-9126

Coversheet (revised)Signed Cover sheet