Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/5/2024
District E
Item Creation Date: 2/7/2024

HAS - Design-Build Contract with Texas Sterling-Banicki JV, LLC for Taxiway L and Runway 4-22 Shoulders Phase 1 Construction at Ellington Airport (EFD); Project No. 707

Agenda Item#: 21.


ORDINANCE appropriating $16,000,000.00 out of Airports Improvement Fund and approving and authorizing Design-Build Contract between City of Houston and TEXAS STERLING-BANICKI JV, LLC, for Taxiway L and Runway 4-22 Shoulders Phase 1 Construction at Ellington Airport (EFD), Project No. 707; providing funding for Design, Pre-Construction Services, Enabling Work and Early Release Packages and contingencies - DISTRICT E - FLICKINGER



Enact an ordinance appropriating $16,000,000.00 from the Airports Improvement Fund (8011) and approving and authorizing a Design-Build Contract with Texas Sterling-Banicki JV, LLC for Taxiway L and Runway 4-22 Shoulders Phase 1 Construction at Ellington Airport (EFD) (Project No. 707).



The Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Design-Build Services for Taxiway L and Runway 4-22 Shoulders Construction at Ellington Airport (EFD) was posted on the Houston Airport System (HAS) website on January 7, 2022 and advertised in the Houston Chronicle on January 7 and 14, 2022.


On April 8, 2022, six responses to the RFQ were received, from the following firms:

Texas Sterling-Banicki JV, LLC; Archer Wester Construction, LLC; Webber, LLC; Austin Bridge; Sundt Construction; and Flatiron Constructors, Inc. At the conclusion of the evaluation process, the evaluation committee recommended Texas Sterling Banicki JV, LLC for contract award.


The Taxiway L and Runway 4-22 Shoulders project includes the following elements: design and construction of Taxiway L and associated Taxiway connectors to the south side of Runway 4-22; design and construction of Runway 4-22 Shoulders with new edge lights; relocation of wind cones outside the Runway Safety Area (RSA); and, the addition of all required markings, signage, lighting, and drainage improvements. This project is included in the HAS Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), and the new infrastructure will provide airport access to entities as part of Houston Spaceport development. The project will be completed in three phases, and the present Design-Build Contract is for Phase 1, which will be for the design and construction of a portion of Taxiway L along with a connector to Runway 4-22.


The contract time is 640 calendar days.


It is now requested that City Council award a Design-Build Contract to Texas Sterling-Banicki JV, LLC for Taxiway L and Runway 4-22 Shoulders Phase 1 Construction at EFD.


Project Costs (this appropriation):

Pre-Construction Services (Design)                           $  6,000,000.00

Enabling Work and Early Release Packages            $10,000,000.00

TOTAL                                                                       $16,000,000.00


At a later date, City Council will be asked to approve the Construction Guaranteed Maximum Price (CGMP) and appropriate the necessary funds for construction services.


Grant Programs:

A portion of the spending under this Contract is eligible for reimbursement under the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP), FAA Airport Infrastructure Grant (AIG) Program, and the Texas Spaceport Trust Fund (STF).


Hire Houston First (HHF):

Hire Houston First does not apply to this expenditure, because it involves the use of federal funds and is subject to specific procurement rules of the federal government.


Pay or Play:

The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s “Pay or Play” ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, Texas Sterling-Banicki JV, LLC has opted to comply by exercising both the “Pay” and “Play” options.


DBE Participation:

The DBE goal for this project is 27%. Texas Sterling-Banicki JV, LLC has committed to 27.09% participation using the following certified subcontractors:



Type of Work


GMJ Paving Company, LLC

Asphalt, Paving and Concrete Work



Edge Engineering

Drainage & Storm Water Design


Ferguson Consulting, Inc.

Land Surveying/Civil Engineering


Landtech, Inc. DBA Landtech

Consultants, Inc.

Civil Engineering / Land Surveying


Trace Consulting

Engineering Markings


Airport Lighting Systems, Inc.

Airfield Lighting Materials


Terrell Materials Corporation

Onsite Concrete Supplier


Texas Environment Management, SA Inc.

Environmental Consulting

Seeding and Sodding






Fiscal Note:

No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.


Department Approval:



_________________________                                  _________________________

Jim Szczesniak                                                           Andy Icken

Houston Airport System                                              Chief Development Officer


Amount and Source of Funding:


Airports Improvement Fund

Fund 8011

Contact Information:

Todd Curry                281/233-1896

Gary High                 281/233-1987

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