Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 9/26/2023
Item Creation Date:

PLN - Chapter 26 Livable Places Housing Amendments

Agenda Item#: 47.


ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, by amending several sections of CHAPTER 26, Parking; containing findings and other provisions relating to the foregoing subject; declaring certain conduct to be unlawful and providing a penalty therefor; providing for severability

This item should only be considered after passage of Item 46 above


These were Items 9 and 10 on Agenda of September 20, 2023


For three years, the Planning and Development Department has been working with the Livable Places Action Committee (LPAC) to update portions of the City’s development codes to provide a wider variety of homes at a wider variety of price-points. They focus on affordability, equity, and walkability. These changes will have a positive and long-lasting effect on how our city grows and develops for years to come.


The proposed updates to Chapter 26 Article VIII (Off-Street Parking and Loading) include parking reductions for smaller homes that are less than 1,500 SF; market-based parking not included or under consideration. The Chapter 26 amendments are a companion item to the Chapter 42 amendments on this agenda. Both sets of housing amendments work together to scale back some of the rules that increase development costs and encourage more neighborhood-focused homes.


Chapter 26 amendments are as follows:


- Parking will be calculated based on the size of the unit rather than the number of bedrooms for small-scale rental properties. Single family homes are still required to provide two parking spaces except for homes less than 1,500 SF that meet narrowly defined criteria.


Adds the following definitions:

  • Multi-unit residential
  • Courtyard style development
  • Single-family residential


Planning Commission held a public hearing for the proposed amendments on March 16, 2023, and forwarded them to City Council for consideration with two changes on June 8, 2023. City Council held a public hearing for these amendments on June 21, 2023.

The Planning and Development Department recommends that City Council approve the housing amendments to Chapters 42 and 26.


Note that the proposed changes to Chapter 26 should only be considered after the passage of the Chapter 42 amendments.




Margaret Wallace Brown, AICP, CNU-A

Planning and Development Department

Contact Information:

Anna Sedillo, Council Liaison



Suvidha Bandi, Principal Planner


RCASigned Cover sheet
Planning Commission Chair LetterBackup Material
Streetscape Drawing for Narrow LotsBackup Material
Parking Requirements FlyerBackup Material