Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/1/2023
Item Creation Date: 7/21/2023

E32870 - Purchase of Repair Clamps (Ferguson Waterworks) - MOTION

Agenda Item#: 14.


FERGUSON WATERWORKS for Repair Clamps through the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance for Houston Public Works - $92,659.60 - Enterprise Fund


P23-E32870– Approve the purchase in the total amount of $92,659.60 for repair clamps from Ferguson Waterworks through the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance (NCPA) for Houston Public Works.


Specific Explanation:

The Director of Houston Public Works (HPW) and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve the purchase in the total amount of $92,659.60 for full circle repair clamps through the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement with NCPA and that authorization be given to issue a purchase order to Ferguson Waterworks.


The full circle repair clamps are used to make in-depth underground waterline repairs in order to continue to supply the citizens of Houston with sufficient water. These clamps are used to repair leaks and broken or torn out service connections. These clamps are used on heavy cast ductile iron parts, increase the life expectancy and meet the applicable AWWA C219 standards.


This recommendation is made pursuant to subsection 271.102(c) of the Texas Local Government Code, which provides that "a local government that purchases goods or services from a cooperative purchasing program or organization satisfies any state law requiring the local government to seek competitive bids for the purchase of the goods or services."


MWBE Participation:

This procurement is exempt from the City’s MWBE subcontracting requirements as the total expenditure does not exceed the $100,000.00 threshold


Hire Houston First:

This procurement is exempt from the City’s Hire Houston First Ordinance.  Bids/proposals were not solicited because the department is utilizing an Interlocal/Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for this purchase.


Fiscal Note:

Funding for this item is included in the FY24 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.



_____________________________________                ______________________________

Jedediah Greenfield, Chief Procurement Officer               Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division                            Houston Public Works



Estimated Spending Authority



Out Years


Houston Public Works




Amount and Source of Funding:


Water & Sewer System Operating Fund

Fund No.: 8300

Contact Information:

Erika Lawton, Division Manager                                 HPW/PFW      (832) 395-2833

Brian Blum, Assistant Director                                    HPW/PFW      (832) 395-2717

Carolyn Hanahan, Assistant Chief Policy Officer        Finance/SPD  (832) 393-9127

Jedediah Greenfield, Chief Procurement Officer        Finance/SPD  (832) 393-9126

signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet