Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/1/2023
District I
Item Creation Date: 6/30/2023

HAS - Amendment No. 1 to the Design-Build Contract with Christensen Building Group, LLC for Construction and Relocation of the TSA & HPD Bunker and K-9 Facility at HOU; Project No. 775B

Agenda Item#: 22.


ORDINANCE appropriating $5,938,848.00 out of Airports Improvement Fund; approving and authorizing first amendment to Design-Build Contract between City of Houston and CHRISTENSEN BUILDING GROUP, LLC to accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price for the construction and relocation of the TSA and HPD Bunker and K-9 Facility at William P. Hobby Airport for the Houston Airport System (Project No. 775b); providing funding for Design-Build Contract, materials testing, contingency, and Civic Art relating to construction of facilities financed by such funds - DISTRICT I - GALLEGOS



Enact an ordinance approving and authorizing Amendment No. 1 to the Design-Build Contract with Christensen Building Group, LLC to accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for the Construction and Relocation of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Houston Police Department (HPD) Bunker and K-9 Facility at William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) (Project No. 775B) and appropriating $5,938,848.00 from the Airports Improvement Fund (Fund 8011).



On June 08, 2022, City Council enacted Ordinance 2022-432 approving a Design-Build Contract with Christensen Building Group, LLC for the Construction and Relocation of the TSA and HPD Bunker and K-9 Facility at William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) and appropriating $369,746.45 for Phase 1 - Pre-Construction Services.


Pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Houston (City) and Southwest Airlines Co. for the latter’s Maintenance Hangar Development Project, the City agreed to relocate impacted facilities, including HPD offices, K-9 kennels, Transportation Security Administration (TSA) bunkers, and a container dump site, from their existing location.


The Houston Airport System (HAS) identified a site located at 9201 and 9311 Telephone Road to be used as an HPD training facility for K-9 unit dogs and as a container dump site at HOU. This site will be a gated, fenced secured facility. The design and construction will be completed in three phases. Christensen Building Group, LLC has completed the Pre-Construction Services Phase (Phase 1) of the Construction and Relocation of the TSA and HPD Bunker and K-9 Facility.


It is now requested that City Council enact an ordinance approving Amendment No. 1 to accept the Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) for Phase 2 and Phase 3 for this project. Phase 2 Construction Services for the facility will result in 1,216 square feet of HPD and TSA office space, 580 square feet of HPD magazine storage, and 6 dog kennels. Phase 3 will commence after the completion of Phase 2 and will include Relocation, Demolition, and Restoration Services to relocate the existing bunker magazines and trash dump area to the north end of the facility site. This project was included in the HAS Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).


Project Costs (this appropriation):

$5,333,555.00           Construction   

$     35,000.00           Materials Testing

$   533,555.00           Contingency (10%)

$     36,738.00           Civic Art             

$5,938,848.00           TOTAL


Materials Testing Services Contract:
Materials Testing Services will be provided by Geotest Engineering, Inc. under Contract No. 4600016475.


M/WBE Participation:

The MBE design goal for this project is 18%, and Christensen Building Group, LLC achieved 68.85% toward the goal.


The M/WBE goal for the GMP phases is 36% (23% MBE and 13% WBE). Christensen Building Group, LLC has committed to 43.85% participation utilizing the following certified firms:



Type of Work





Granlan Enterprises, Inc.

Concrete building foundations and site paving and concrete structures



18.59 %

EDH Plumbing Contractors, LLC

Building plumbing systems




Emerald Standard Services. Inc.

Building and site electrical systems




Hondor Sitework & Utilities, Inc.

Building and site earthwork improvements











Fiscal Note:

No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project. 



Director’s Signature:




_____________________                             _______________________

Mario C. Diaz                                                   Andy Icken

Houston Airport System                                  Chief Development Officer


Prior Council Action:
06/08/2022 (O) 2022-432
Amount and Source of Funding:


Airports Improvement Fund

Fund 8011

Contact Information:

Todd Curry           281/233-1896

Gary High            281/233-1987

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet