Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/1/2023
Item Creation Date: 6/12/2023

N32755 - Night Vision Binoculars for HPD - (Z Bar Supply Company, LLC) - MOTION

Agenda Item#: 10.


APPROVE spending authority in an amount not to exceed $76,000.00 for purchase of two (2) Night Vision Binoculars for Public Safety and Homeland Security on behalf of the Houston Police Department, awarded to Z BAR SUPPLY COMPANY, LLC - Grant Fund


Formal bid received June 01, 2023 for S87-N32755 - Approve spending authority in an amount not to exceed $76,000.000 for the purchase of two (2) night vision binoculars from Z Bar Supply Company, LLC for Public Safety and Homeland Security on behalf of the Houston Police Department.


Specific Explanation:

The Director of Public Safety and Homeland Security and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve spending authority in an amount not to exceed $76,000.00 for the purchase of two (2) Night Vision Binoculars for the Houston Police Department and that authorization be given to issue a purchase order to Z Bar Supply Company, LLC.  These night vision binoculars will be used by the police department's SWAT Team. These binoculars will be able to integrate night vision capabilities and thermal capabilities into one seamless piece of equipment.  


This project was advertised in accordance with the requirements of the State of Texas bid laws.  Forty-Five (45) prospective bidders downloaded the solicitation document from SPD's website and four (4) bids were received as outlined below.


Company Name                                                        Total Price                                        

Z Bar Supply Company, LLC                                   $76,000.00                             

Kinetic Motorwerks, LLC                                            $39,120.00 –Did Not Meet Specifications

Focus Camera, Inc.                                                    $80,000.00 - Incomplete Bid 

The Merchants Group of Texas, LLC                         $80,000.00 - Incomplete Bid  


M/WBE Subcontracting:

This Procurement is exempt from the M/WBE, subcontracting goal participation as the total project expenditure does not exceed the City's $100,000.00 threshold.


Hire Houston First:

This proposed project is exempt from the City's Hire Houston First Ordinance due to the use of federal funds and is subject to specific procurement requirements set by the federal government procurement guidelines.


Fiscal Note:

No Fiscal Note is required on grant items.




__________________________________         _____________________________________

Jedidiah Greenfield                                            Department Approval Authority Signature

Chief Procurement Officer      

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division

                                                       Estimated Spending Authority



Out Years


Public Safety and Homeland Security







Amount and Source of Funding:


Federal State Local - Pass Through Fund

Fund 5030

Contact Information:

Lena Farris 832-393-8729

Candice Gambrell 832-393-9129

Jedediah Greenfield 832-393-9126

CoversheetSigned Cover sheet