Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/1/2023
District I
Item Creation Date: 5/30/2023

20INA113 - Mosely Road / TIRZ 8 / Gulfgate Redevelopment Authority

Agenda Item#: 42.


ORDINANCE appropriating $402,619.88 out of Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund; approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement between City of Houston and GULFGATE REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY for Mosely Road Pavement Rehabilitation, Stormwater and Drinking Water System Improvements; providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery relating to construction of facilities financed by the Water & Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund - DISTRICT I - GALLEGOS


SUBJECT:  Interlocal Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and Gulfgate Redevelopment Authority (Authority) for Mosely Road Pavement Rehabilitation, Stormwater and Drinking Water System Improvements.


RECOMMENDATION: Adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and Gulfgate Redevelopment Authority (Authority) for Mosely Road Pavement Rehabilitation, Stormwater and Drinking Water System Improvements, and appropriate funds.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This agreement is made pursuant to Chapter 791 of the Texas Government Code and Chapter 311 of the Texas Tax Code Program. The agreement consists of the Authority constructing pavement rehabilitation and improvements to the stormwater and drinking water systems on Mosley Road between the Gulf Freeway and Scranton Street.


LOCATION:  The project area is generally bound by Bryant Street on the north, Scranton Avenue on the south, Easthaven Boulevard on the east and Hansen Road on the west. 

SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT AND FEE:  The agreement between the City and the Authority entails pavement rehabilitation, and stormwater and drinking water system improvements to Mosley Road. The overall cost of the street improvements is estimated at $4,390,000.00 which the Authority will pay for all cost to design and complete the project. The City will contribute an amount not to exceed $383,447.50 to the project for the improvements to the drinking water system.


The total requested amount of $402,619.88 is to be appropriated as follows: $383,447.50 for cost of the project and $19,172.38 CIP Cost Recovery.


FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating Impact is anticipated as a result of this project.






Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works


WBS No(s). N-T08000-0004-7, S-000521-0229-7

Amount and Source of Funding:
$402,619.88 - Fund No. 8500 – HPW – Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction
Contact Information:

Michael Wahl, P.E., PTOE

Assistant Director, Transportation & Drainage Operations

Phone: (832) 395-2443

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