Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 2/21/2023
Item Creation Date: 1/11/2023

HHD - Inter-Local Agreement with Harris County Public Health

Agenda Item#: 20.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement between City of Houston Health Department and HARRIS COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH to Collaborate and Improve Health Needs of residents in Harris County and the City of Houston


The Director of the Houston Health Department (HHD) recommends that City Council approve an ordinance, authorizing and approving an interlocal agreement between the City of Houston Health Department (HHD) and Harris County Public Health(HCPH) to collaborate to improve the health needs of residents of Harris County and the City of Houston. This interlocal agreement is effective from the date of countersignature by the City Controller. This Agreement will automatically renew on the same terms and conditions for successive one-year terms (each a "Renewal Term"), unless it is terminated by either Party by giving the other Party prior written notice of its intention to terminate not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the term of this Agreement. HHD and HCPH agree to review this Agreement on a yearly basis.  


There are no funds that will be transferred under the terms of this agreement.


Under this agreement HCPH and HHD mutually agree that they will meet  monthly to discuss current and future collaborations. This collaboration will help improve service delivery to residents and serve a public purpose. The areas of potential collaboration are as follows:

  • Align community-wide planning
  • Establish a community-wide coordinating council that includes HCPH, HHD and other partners.
  • Cooperative planning with ACCESS Harris, Violence Prevention and Maternal & Child Health
  • Create a data sharing mechanism for patient-level and program-level data






Stephen L. Williams, M.Ed, M.P.A.

Director - Houston Health Department

Contact Information:

Porfirio Villarreal

Telephone: 832-393-5041; 713-826-5695