SUBJECT: Professional Consulting Services Contract between the City of Houston and William Marsh Rice University for Galveston Bay Park Plan Development.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt an ordinance approving a Professional Consulting Services Contract with William Marsh Rice University for the Galveston Bay Park Plan Development and appropriate funds.
PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: The Galveston Bay Park Plan (GBPP), proposed by Rice University’s Severe Storm Prediction, Education, and Evacuation from Disasters (SSPEED) Center, envisions a regional multi-functional facility providing flood surge protection, recreational opportunities, enhanced environmental conditions, improved operational safety for the Houston Ship Channel and improved fish and wildlife habitat in Galveston Bay.
The GBPP would benefit the City by providing a study of long-term, multi-functional surge protection including a vital bay barrier system with additional protection for the industrial complexes and densely populated areas along the Houston Ship Channel.
The City previously entered into an Interlocal Agreement with the Harris County Flood Control District, and Port of Houston Authority to jointly fund a portion of the study costs, with the City serving as fiscal agent.
LOCATION: The project area is located throughout the Houston Ship Channel.
SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT AND FEE: The scope of this project will include: (1) Determine the potential for leveraging beneficial use of the excess material generated by bay channel deepening and widening through future improvements (2) Identify key environmental concerns and potential mitigation steps for oyster beds, water quality, salinity, and other impacts to determine the path to obtaining an approved environmental clearance (3) Determine the budget costs associated with the gates, access road and bridges in the Plan at the locations the proposed barrier would cross the Houston Ship Channel and the various channels cut through the existing dredge material placement sites resulting from past and current channel construction and maintenance (4) Investigate financing options for funding the Plan and future maintenance costs through public and private funding and establish an economic advisory group (5) Obtain public input and provide education on the Plan through a community outreach program.
The total estimated project cost under the contract is $1,000,000.00. In accordance with the Interlocal Agreement between the City, Harris County Flood Control District, and Port Authority each of the three public entities has contributed $250,000.00 for a total of $750,000.00 of public funds, and Rice University will contribute the remaining $250,000.00.
Under the proposed contract between the City and Rice University, the City will pay 75 percent of project costs as periodically invoiced by Rice University up to a maximum compensation of $750,000.00.
PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the Contractor provides health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with City policy.
M/WBE PARTICIPATION: In review of the pre-award good faith effort review requested by HPW, the vendor submitted a MWBE participation plan totaling 4.20% for outreach services in regard to the Galveston Bay Park Plan Development. The vendor also submitted a letter articulating that the project teams were already developed during the planning stages of the agreement, and due to the specialized nature of the contract there are no other areas of divisibility.
OBO reviewed the contract and found that outside of outreach services there are no other areas of divisibility that are not specialized or a core function of Rice University.
Based on the information provided above, the department may move forward with a 4.20% goal on this contract.
MBE - Name of Firms |
Work Description |
Amount |
% of Contract |
1. |
Outreach Strategists, LLC |
Outreach Services |
$42,409.00 |
4.24% |
$42,409.00 |
4.24% |
FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating Impact is anticipated as a result of this project.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director
Houston Public Works