The Housing and Community Development (HCD) Department recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a Fourth Amendment to a Contract between the City of Houston (City) and the Houston Area Community Services, Inc. dba Avenue 360 (Avenue 360), providing an additional $1,600,000.00 in Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) funds, for (1) Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA); (2) Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utilities assistance (STRMU); and (3) supportive services; for 190 low-income households living with/or affected by HIV/AIDS.
Avenue 360 provides rental subsidies and supportive services to participants at risk of becoming homeless. Supportive services include Permanent Housing Placement Services (PHPS), case management, professional counseling, and other services. Housing assistance will be provided as follows: (1) TBRA for 124 households, (2) STRMU for 50 households, and (3) PHP for 16 households of persons living with/or affected by HIV/AIDS.
Supportive Services
Supportive Services – PHP
1.4 %
HCD conducted a Request For Proposals (RFP) for HOPWA agreements for fiscal year 2017. Avenue 360 was one of the agencies selected. The initial contract period was November 28, 2018, through October 31, 2019. Through previously approved amendments and administrative extensions, the term was extended to February 28, 2023. This Fourth Amendment will provide funding through May 31, 2023.
As of September 2022, Avenue 360 has served 399 clients, utilizing approximately 92% of funding. The agency has received funding from the City since 2000. There were no findings on the annual compliance monitoring.
No Fiscal Note is required on grant items.
This item was reviewed by the Housing and Community Affairs Committee on November 15, 2022.