Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 2/7/2023
District I
Item Creation Date: 11/4/2022

HPW – 20INA74 Interlocal Agreement / Harris County Flood Control District

Agenda Item#: 28.


ORDINANCE appropriating $10,500,000.00 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund; approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement by and between City of Houston, Texas, and HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT, for the Design, Reconstruction, and Improvement of Plum Creek to mitigate flooding in the area - DISTRICT I - GALLEGOS


SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and Harris County Flood Control District (District) for the design, construction, and maintenance of Plum Creek.


RECOMMENDATION: Adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Houston and Harris County Flood Control District (District) and appropriate funds.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: Plum Creek is currently in poor condition and has collapsed along a majority of the segments.  The City and the District feel this project will benefit its citizens and prevent future flood risks. This interlocal agreement provides funds to the District to design, construct, and maintain Plum Creek, HCFCD Unit No. C-102-00-00.     


 LOCATION:  The project area is generally bound by Keller Street on the north, Office City Drive on the south, IH-610 South on the east and IH-45 South on the west. 


SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT AND FEE:  This project consists of the reconstruction and improving Plum Creek (C-102-00-00) from IH-45 to IH-610.  The District has agreed to manage, design, bid, and construct the needed channel improvements along Plum Creek. The City will contribute $10,000,000.00 to the project. In addition, the City will remove all encroachments at its cost (to be managed in-house) with the exclusion of fencing.  The District will remove all fencing encroachments at the City’s cost.  Prior to construction, the City will convey its interest in the property to the District. Upon completion of the project, the District will maintain the improvements.


The total requested amount of $10,500,000.00 is to be appropriated as follows: $10,000,000.00 for cost of the project and $500,000.00 for CIP Cost Recovery.


FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating Impact is anticipated as a result of this project.





Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works


WBS No(s). M-43HCFC-0011-7


Amount and Source of Funding:



Fund No. 4042 – Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund- Drainage Charge

Contact Information:

Johana Clark, P.E. PTOE

Senior Assistant Director, Transportation & Drainage Operations

Phone: (832) 395-2274

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