Summary: Resolution of support for the 2028 Republican National Convention
Background: Resolution supporting provisions of city services to the Republican National Committee as part of a bid to host the 2028 Republican National Convention.
Recommendation: Approve a resolution in support of providing certain city services to the Republican National Committee in an effort to host the 2028 Republican National Convention.
Houston First Corporation (HFC) works each and every day to create value and economic opportunity for Houstonians, which in turn enhances the quality-of-life for people and businesses across Houston. One way this happens is by aggressively pursuing large, signature events that can elevate Houston’s destination appeal and draw a significant number of attendees to the city. Events such as these don’t just benefit downtown, they benefit hotels, restaurants, and other businesses across the city because the sheer size means attendees will be spread out across Houston.
HFC is currently finalizing Houston’s bid to host the 2028 Republican National Convention. The bid must be returned to the RNC by July 15, with site visits to potential host cities later this summer, and final selection of a host city either later this year or early in 2023. If selected as the host city, the convention will likely bring over 50,000 visitors to Houston in July or August of 2028.
On occasion, events the size and scale of national party conventions or the Super Bowl require an affirmative statement of support from the hosting municipality as part of the bid package. To that end, HFC, in partnership with the Mayor’s Office of Special Events and the Chief Development Officer, is seeking Council’s approval of a resolution of support for the City to provide certain services (special events, fire, police, public health, traffic, aviation, etc.) which are vital to a successful event.
As is customary with events of this scale, a Host Committee will be formed consisting of a representative group of Houstonians who’ll provide leadership and fundraising for the 2028 RNC. If Houston is chosen as the host city, the Host Committee will enter into a city services agreement detailing the specific services needed to host a successful convention, along with the extent to which reimbursement will occur from the Host Committee to the City. Additionally, a significant amount of federal funding is provided to the host city, and the likelihood exists that federal assets put in place specifically for the event will be left in Houston for use by the appropriate public safety departments upon conclusion of the event.
City Council is urged to approve this resolution expressing the City’s commitment to support the 2028 Republican National Convention should Houston be chosen as the host city.
Michael Heckman
President & CEO
Houston First Corporation