Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 6/14/2022
District C
Item Creation Date: 5/5/2022

MYR - Brazos Bridge at Bagby Street

Agenda Item#: 21.


ORDINANCE appropriating $25,000.00 out of Contributed Capital Project Fund; approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement between City of Houston, Texas, and MIDTOWN REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, acting on behalf of REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER TWO, City of Houston, Texas, for Design and Construction of Landscaping Improvements to the Brazos Bridge at Bagby Street - DISTRICT C - KAMIN


An Ordinance to approve an interlocal agreement between the City of Houston, Texas, and Midtown Redevelopment Authority, on behalf of Reinvestment Zone Number Two (Midtown Zone), City of Houston, Texas, for the design and construction of landscaping improvements to the Brazos Bridge at Bagby Street, and to appropriate $25,000.00 out of the Contributed Capital Project Fund.


City of Houston Tax Reinvestment Zone Number Two, City of Houston, Texas (“Zone”), was created by Ordinance No. 1994-1345 on December 14, 1994. City Council authorized the creation of the Midtown Redevelopment Authority (“Midtown RDA”) by Resolution No. 1995-0096 on June 28, 1995.


Council Member Kamin and her staff have been working with the Midtown Redevelopment Authority and the Courtlandt Place Civic Association on a landscaping project to beautify the Brazos Bridge facing Bagby Street. The Midtown RDA has been working on a concept that all three entities strongly support; the estimated cost of the project is $50,562 which includes demolition of concrete paving, pressure washing the wall, trees, shrubs, ground cover, soil, mulch, and irrigation.


Council Member Kamin’s office has committed $25,000 from her Council District Service Fund and the Courtlandt Place Civic Association has committed to funding raising the remaining amount. The Midtown RDA will design and construct the project.

Accordingly, the Administration recommends that the City Council approve the allocation of CDSF to the project.


Fiscal Note: There is no impact to the fiscal budget and this item does not require additional spending authority; therefore, no fiscal note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.




Andy F. Icken, Chief Development Officer


Amount and Source of Funding:


Contributed Capital Project Fund 

Fund 4515

Contact Information:

_______Gwendolyn F. Tillotson, Deputy Director

Phone:  832-393-0937

CoversheetSigned Cover sheet