Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 2/22/2022
Item Creation Date: 2/9/2022

HCD22-06 Healthcare for the Homeless-Houston Third Amendment

Agenda Item#: 20.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing third amendment to contract between City of Houston and HEALTHCARE FOR THE HOMELESS-HOUSTON, extending the term of the contract and providing up to $150,000.00 in additional Community Development Block Grant Funds for the continuing administration and operation of Project Access, a Homeless Transportation Program that provides homeless persons with access to essential health and social services resources


The Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD) recommends Council approval of an Ordinance authorizing a Third Amendment to the Contract between the City of Houston (City) and Healthcare for the Homeless-Houston (HHH), to extend the term of the Contract and provide up to an additional $150,000.00 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to operate the Project Access homeless transportation program, benefiting a minimum of 1,800 additional riders who are homeless individuals or families.


Project Access offers transportation services to homeless persons Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., 52 weeks a year using a 40-passenger, wheelchair accessible bus traveling a scheduled route. The service enables access to twenty-three agencies that provide essential services such as health care, meals, shelter, and social services. Funding also supports a community health worker that serves as a resource for riders, collects data, acts as a liaison with other homeless services providers, and serves as the face of the program to promote ridership and improve outreach. 





Program Services



Program Administration







HCDD conducted a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for CDBG contracts for fiscal year 2019 with the option to renew in up to one-year increments. The initial contract began on February 1, 2019 and was extended through two subsequent amendments and administrative extensions to February 28, 2022. This Third Amendment provides funding through December 31, 2022. HHH has received CDBG funding through the City for various contracts since 2003. 


As of November 30, 2021, HHH has expended approximately 91% of funding and served approximately 94% of the cumulative client goal. There were no findings in their annual compliance monitoring. 


No Fiscal Note is required on grant items.


This item was reviewed by the Housing and Community Affairs Committee on January 18, 2022. 




Keith W. Bynam, Interim Director

Prior Council Action:

1-23-2019 (O) 2019-0441-15-2020 (O) 2020-0497-21-2021 (O) 2021-615

Amount and Source of Funding:


Federal Government - Grant Fund

Fund 5000

Contact Information:

Roxanne Lawson, Division Manager

Housing and Community Development Department

Phone: 832-394-6307

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