Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/22/2022
Item Creation Date: 2/7/2022

HPW-20WWO1021- Contract Amendments for Capital Projects Wastewater Construction Contracts related to the Consent Decree

Agenda Item#: 39.


ORDINANCE approving Form of Contract Amendments for the Capital Projects Service Line of Houston Public Works Wastewater Construction Contracts related to the Consent Decree in Civil Action No. 4:18-CV-03368, United States of America and State of Texas V. City of Houston in the District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, executed by the City of Houston and each of its construction contractors; authorizing the Mayor to sign the approved Wastewater Construction Contracts between City of Houston and its construction contractors in the form approved herein


SUBJECT: An ordinance approving the Form of Contract Amendments for Capital Projects Service Line of Houston Public Works for Wastewater Construction Contracts related to the Consent Decree.


RECOMMENDATION: Adopt an Ordinance approving and authorizing the Form of Contract Amendments for Capital Projects Service Line of Houston Public Works for Wastewater Construction Contracts related to the approved Consent Decree.



SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: On March 31, 2021, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas approved a Consent Decree executed between the City of Houston, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, and the State of Texas that addresses unpermitted sanitary sewer overflows and wastewater treatment plant permit exceedances from the City's sewer system.


The Consent Decree requires the amendment to 14 existing construction contracts related to Wastewater Operations. The work to be performed under these contracts is necessary to maintain compliance with the Consent Decree. To ensure compliance, language pertaining to the Wastewater Consent Decree is being added to the Supplementary Conditions of each of the 14 existing construction contracts, specifically Document 00800, through this form of Contract Amendment.



Houston Public Works recommends approval of the Form of Contract Amendments for Wastewater Construction Contracts related to the Consent Decree.






Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.


Houston Public Works

Contact Information:

Jeff Masek, P.E., CCM

Assistant Director


Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet