Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/8/2022
Item Creation Date: 1/5/2022

T29500 - Market Value Analysis and Economic Development Investment Study - ORDINANCE (Reinvestment Fund, Inc.)

Agenda Item#: 17.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing agreement for Professional Planning Services between City of Houston and REINVESTMENT FUND, INC to provide Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery Funds for Professional Planning Services for a Market Value Analysis and Economic Development Investment Study; setting a maximum contract amount – 6 Months with 1 six month option - $140,000.00 - Grant Fund


Request for Proposals received July 8, 2021 for S36-T29500 - Approve an ordinance awarding a contract to Reinvestment Fund, Inc. in the maximum contract amount of $140,000.00 to provide Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery Funds for a Market Value Analysis and Economic Development Investment Study for the Housing and Community Development Department.


Specific Explanation:

The Interim Director of the Housing and Community Development Department (HCDD) and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve an ordinance awarding a six (6) month contract with one six (6) month option to renew to Reinvestment Fund, Inc. in the maximum contract amount of $140,000.00 for a Market Value Analysis and Economic Development Investment Study. The Director of the Housing and Community Development Department may terminate this contract at any time upon 30-days written notice to the contractor, with a copy of the notice to the Chief Procurement Officer. 


The study will evaluate empirical data and conduct analytics for post-disaster events from Hurricane Harvey as it relates to impacts on the housing and commercial markets in the City of Houston. The intent of the study is to capture the changed landscape and any demographic shifts as a result of Hurricane Harvey and connect to a longitudinal assessment with the previous studies conducted in the 2013 City-Wide Market Value Analysis and the 2016 Affordable Housing and Economic Investment Study, performed by HCDD.


The study will support the planning activities funded through CDBG-DR17 which strive to promote sound, sustainable long-term recovery planning informed by a post-disaster evaluation of hazard risk, especially land-use decisions that reflect responsible flood plain management and take into account future possible extreme weather events and other natural hazards and long-term risks. 


The Contractor shall provide supervision, labor, tools, equipment, permits, parts, expendable items, material, and supplies necessary to provide a Market Value Analysis (MVA) and Economic Development Investment (EDI) Study.  The MVA will consist of analyses in census block groups throughout the City of Houston. The EDI will consist of a Commercial Corridor Analysis along major corridors that will measure economic activity in identified City of Houston Super Neighborhoods.  Also, the Contractor shall provide itemized deliverables as specified in Exhibit B of the contract, which details the scope of work, and includes a schedule, specific deliverables, and associated costs for tasks as follows:


Task 1: Project Kickoff and Task Force Launch

Task 2: Stakeholders Participation Plan

Task 3: Draft MVA Models

Task 4: Gather, organize, and use supplemental data

Task 5: Economic Development Investment Study

Task 6: Final MVA Model


The final deliverable is an analysis of neighborhoods and economic corridors to assist residents and policymakers with identifying and understanding the elements of their local real estate market, affordable housing market, major commercial corridors, and how these elements have changed since Hurricane Harvey.


The Request for Proposals (RFP) was advertised in accordance with the requirements of the State of Texas bid laws. As a result, a proposal was received from one (1) firm: Reinvestment Fund, Inc.  


  • Due to inadequate competition, the Request for Proposals method transitioned to the Non-Competitive Procurement method, which is used to initiate a contract award for this solicitation consistent with the standards of 2 CFR 200.319-Competition. The solicitation advertised for eleven (11) weeks, resulting in one (1) proposal response. The solicited suppliers were polled to determine why proposals were not submitted; and the reasons included: 1) the services were not a part of the company's core business, 2) the company was engaged in other projects and did not have the capacity, 3) not sure 4) not interested, and 5) will not submit at this time. Therefore, the Housing and Community Development Department submitted to the GLO the Request to Use Competitive Procurement as its formal procurement method as allowed in 2 CFR 200.320(c). The GLO approved the non-competitive procurement request on September 14, 2021.


The evaluation committee consisted of City employees from the Housing and Community Development Department. The evaluation was based on the following criteria:


1. Responsiveness of Proposal

2. Technical Competence

3. Price


Reinvestment Fund, Inc. was deemed qualified to perform the requirements as outlined in the RFP.


The Market Value Analysis and Economic Development Investment Study project was presented to the Housing and Community Affairs Committee on February 15, 2022.


MWBE Participation:

The RFP was advertised with a 24% goal for M/WBE participationReinvestment Fund, Inc. has designated the below named company as its certified M/WBE subcontractor.



Type of Work

Percentage (%)

Working Partners, LLC

Strategic Planning Consulting Services



Pay or Play:

The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s Pay or Play ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors. In this case, the contractor provides health benefits to eligible employees in compliance with City policy.


Hire Houston First:

Hire Houston First does not apply to this expenditure, because it involves the use of federal funds and is subject to specific procurement rules of the federal government.


Fiscal Note:

No Fiscal Note is required on grant items.







Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division

Interim Director

Housing and Community Development Department



Estimated Spending Authority



Out Year


Housing and Community Development








Amount and Source of Funding:


Federal/State/Local-Pass Through Fund

Fund No.:  5030

Contact Information:




Yesenia Chuca, Purchasing Manager


(832) 393-8727

Valerie Player-Kaufman, Senior Procurement Specialist



(832) 393-8749

Roxanne Lawson, City Council Liaison/Division Manager


(832) 394-6307

CoversheetSigned Cover sheet