Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 1/5/2022
District F
Item Creation Date: 8/25/2021

25PARK378 – Award Construction Contract and De-appropriate/Appropriate Funds – Landscape Art, Inc. Harwin Park

Agenda Item#: 18.


ORDINANCE de-appropriating  $172,865.00 out of Parks Consolidated Construction Fund (Approved by Ordinance No. 2015-318); appropriating of $496,303.00 out of Parks & Recreation Dedication Fund and of $197,865.00 out of Parks Consolidated Construction Fund; awarding a construction contract to LANDSCAPE ART, INC for Harwin Park; setting a deadline for the proposer's execution of the contract and delivery of all bonds, insurance and other required contract documents to the City; holding the proposer in default if it fails to meet the deadlines; providing funding for engineering and materials testing services and contingencies relating to construction of facilities financed by the Parks & Recreation Dedication Fund and the Parks Consolidated Construction Fund - DISTRICT F - THOMAS


RECOMMENDATION: Approve an Ordinance (i) de-appropriating the sum of $172,865.00 out of the Parks Consolidated Construction Fund from the Task Order/Job Order (TOC/JOC) Contracting Program for FY15 (previously appropriated by Ordinance No. 2015—318); (ii) appropriating an amount of $694,168.00; and (iii) award a construction contract to Landscape Art, Inc. for the proposal amount of $617,425.00 to provide construction services for Harwin Park for the Houston Parks and Recreation Department.


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: The General Services Department (GSD) recommends that City Council award a construction contract to Landscape Art, Inc. on the proposal amount of $617,425.00 to provide construction services for Harwin Park for the Houston Parks and Recreation Department.


On April 8, 2015, by Ordinance No. 2015-318, City Council appropriated $450,000.00 out of the Parks Consolidated Construction Fund to the Task Order/Job Order (TOC/JOC) Contracting Program for FY15, for improvements to Alief Park & Community Center Parking Lot. It was determined that the Alief Community Center and parking lot were scheduled for replacement in future years and that the funding would be better used to improve Boone Road Park and Harwin Park playgrounds in District F.  The Boone Road Playground was completed in 2019 in the amount of $277,135.00, therefore, this action will de-appropriate the remaining $172,865.00 out of the TOC/JOC Contracting Program for FY15, and appropriate an equivalent amount to the construction contract with Landscape Art, Inc.


PROJECT LOCATION: 11305 Harwin Drive, Houston TX, 77072


PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The scope of work consists of demolishing the existing play structures, concrete border, fall surface, and sidewalks and constructing a new playground area including playground equipment, border, fall surface, seatwalls, walkways and ramps, picnic tables and benches, drinking fountain and associated drainage, detention, tree plantings and irrigation.

The contract duration for this project is 180 calendar days from the date of the Notice to Proceed.


 M2L Associates, Inc. is the design consultant for this project.


PROPOSALS:  On April 9, 2021 and April 16, 2021, GSD advertised a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) for construction services for Harwin Park.  The CSP contained selection criteria that ranked respondents on experience, key personnel, safety and Hire Houston First. The Statements of Qualifications were received on May 6, 2021, and four firms responded.  GSD evaluated the respondents and three of the four firms received sufficient points and were requested to submit proposals. Landscape Art, Inc. submitted the lowest responsive proposal and offers the best value for the City based on the advertised criteria.


The three proposers are ranked as follows:





Landscape Art, Inc.


Jerdon Enterprise, L.P.


Millis Development and Construction, LLC

AWARD: It is recommended that City Council award the construction contract to Landscape Art, Inc., and appropriate funds for the project, including an additional appropriation of $15,000.50 for engineering and materials testing services under Paradigm Consultants, Inc. (OA 4600016455) existing contract.



$ 617,425.00


Construction Contract

$   61,742.50


10% Contingency

$   15,000.50


Engineering and Materials Testing Services

$ 694,168.00


Total Funding


M/WBE PARTICIPATION:  No City MWBE participation goal was established for this project as the contract amount does not exceed the threshold of $1,000,000.00 required for goal-oriented contracts per Section 15-82 of the City Code of Ordinances.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s “Pay or Play” Ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City Contractors.  In this case, the contractor will pay into the Contractor Responsibility Fund, in compliance with City policy.


HIRE HOUSTON FIRST:  The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s “Hire Houston First” (HHF) Ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation. In this case, Landscape Art, Inc. is a local area business company, but they were the successful awardee without application of the HHF preference.


FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project.


         Capital Project Information: See attached Form A for a breakdown of capital costs.


WBS No. F-000708-0020-4





C. J. Messiah, Jr.

General Services Department




Kenneth Allen

Houston Parks and Recreation Department

Amount and Source of Funding:




$    496,303.00             Parks and Recreation Dedication Fund (4035)

$      25,000.00             Parks Consolidated Construction Fund (4502)

$    521,303.00




$   172,865.00             Parks Consolidated Construction Fund (4502)

$   694,168.00             Total Funding

Contact Information:

Enid M. Howard

Council Liaison

Phone:  832.393.8023

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