Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/10/2021
District G
Item Creation Date: 3/19/2021

HPW – 20MR110 Accept Work / Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc.

Agenda Item#: 31.


MOTION by Council Member Castex-Tatum/Seconded by Council Member Robinson to adopt recommendation from Director Houston Public Works for approval of final contract amount of $37,204,664.18 and acceptance of work on contract with OSCAR RENDA CONTRACTING, INC for Memorial Drive Paving and Drainage Improvements from North Kirkwood Road to North Eldridge Parkway - 113.7% over the revised total contract amount and under 5% contingency amount - DISTRICT G - TRAVIS

DELAYED BY MOTION #2021-470, 8/4/2021

This was Item 36 on Agenda of August 4, 2021


SUBJECT: Accept Work for Memorial Drive Paving and Drainage Improvements From North Kirkwood Road to North Eldridge Parkway.


RECOMMENDATION: (SUMMARY) Pass a motion to approve the final Contract Amount of $37,204,664.18 or 113.7% over the original Contract Amount, accept the Work and authorize final payment.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project was part of the Street and Traffic Capital Improvement Project (CIP) and is required to meet City of Houston Standards as well as improve traffic circulation, mobility, and drainage in the service area. Deterioration of existing pavement and future traffic volume requires that the roadway be constructed. This project was approved by the Texas Transportation Commission in the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). The state shall refund the city 80% of the construction cost up to a maximum of $12,647,308.00, which will be reimbursed through monthly billings as costs are incurred.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consisted of the construction of approximately 16,600 linear feet of roadway to major thoroughfare standards. The proposed project includes reconstruction of a four-lane divided roadway consisting of approximately 89,864 square yards of 10-inch reinforced concrete pavements with curbs and gutters, approximately 5,000 linear feet of 24 to 84-inch diameter storm sewer pipe, approximately 8,725 linear feet of 4 to 24-inch diameter water line, and approximately 9,400 linear feet of 6 to 30-inch diameter sanitary sewer line. including all appurtenances. Civiltech Engineering, Inc. designed the project with 860 calendar days allowed for construction. The project was awarded to Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc. with an original Contract Amount of $ 32,720,726.00.


LOCATION: The project area is generally bound by IH-10 on the north, Briarforest Drive on the south, North Kirkwood on the east and North Eldridge Parkway on the west.


CONTRACT COMPLETION AND COST: The Contractor, Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc., has completed the work under the subject Contract. The project was completed beyond the established completion date with an additional 480 days approved by Change Order Nos. 1 – 3 & 6 – 8. The final cost of the project, including overrun and underrun of estimated unit price quantities and previously approved Change Order Nos. 1 - 8 is $ $37,204,664.18, an increase of $4,483,938.18 or 113.7% over the original Contract Amount and under 5% contingency amount. The increased cost is a result of the difference between planned and measured quantities.


M/WSBE PARTICIPATION: The advertised M/W/SBE contract goals for this project were 10.00% SBE (10.00% total). The M/W/SBE goals approved for this project was 10.21% SBE (10.21% total). According to the Office of Business Opportunity, the actual participation achieved on this project was 7.33% SBE and 8.92% DBE (16.25% total). The standard for meeting M/W/SBE participation goals is the demonstration of Good Faith Efforts. The Contractor’s M/W/SBE performance on this project was rated Outstanding because the Prime exceeded the participation goals. The Prime made good faith efforts to utilize all listed goal credit subcontractors. For the reasons listed, the Contractor’s performance exceeded our expectations and meets the intent and the spirit of the City’s MWSBE program.





Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works


WBS Nos. N-000798-0001-4, R-000500-0178-4, and S-000500-0178-4

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance No. 2015-1254, dated 12-09-2015






Amount and Source of Funding:

No additional funding required.


Total (original) appropriation of $39,001,000.00

Amount and Source of Funding: $39,001,000.00 Total Cost

$12,647,308.00 from Fund No. 5430- Federal State Local - PWE Pass Thru DDSR

$20,787.611.00 from Fund No. 4042- Street & Traffic Control and Storm Drainage DDSRF

$ 5.566,081.00 from Fund No. 8500- Water and Sewer System Consolidated Construction Fund

Contact Information:

Juan Chavira, PE, PMP, CEM

Assistant Director, Capital Projects

Phone: (832) 395-2441

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