The Houston Parks and Recreation Department requests City Council approve an ordinance to readopt the Houston Youth Recreation Program Standards of Care.
The Standards of Care are intended to be the minimum standards HPARD will use of operate the After-School Enrichment Program. The program offers a wide range of recreational activities including arts and crafts, sports, games, field trips, and cultural and special events. HPARD's After-School Enrichment Program is subject to regulation. However, the Texas Human Resources Code 42.041 (b) (14) provides an exemption for a recreation program for elementary children (ages 5-13) with the following criteria:
- A municipality operates the program
- The governing body of the municipality annually adopts standards of care by ordinance after a public hearing for such programs
- The program provides these standards of care to the parents of each program participant
- The ordinance includes child/caregiver ratios, minimum employee qualifications, minimum employee qualifications, minimum building, health and safety standards, and mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing the adopted local standards
- The program informs the parents that the state does not license the program
- The program does not advertise itself as a child-care operation
The HPARD After-School Enrichment Program meets all of the above criteria for exemption. HPARD is not recommending any changes to the Ordinance.
Director's Signature:
Kenneth Allen, Interim Director
Houston Parks and Recreation Department