Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/10/2021
Item Creation Date: 7/27/2021

E29996 - Tier 3 Management and DriveCam Online Subscription Services - MOTION (Lytx, Inc.)

Agenda Item#: 4.


LYTX, INC for Tier 3 Management Services and DriveCam Online Subscription Services from the General Services Administration Schedule 70 Contract through the Cooperative Purchasing Program for the Solid Waste Management Department - 1 Year - $166,320.00 - General Fund


S78 – E29996 - Approve spending authority in the total amount of $166,320.00 for Tier 3 Management Services and DriveCam Subscription Services from the General Service Administration (GSA) Schedule 70 Contract through the Cooperative Purchasing Program for the Solid Waste Management Department.


Specific Explanation:

The Interim Director of the Solid Waste Management Department and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve a spending authority for the purchase of Tier 3 management services and DriveCam online subscription services for 12-months from the General Service Administration (GSA) Schedule 70 Contract through the Cooperative Purchasing Program in the total amount of $166,320.00 and that authorization be given to issue a purchase order to the GSA contractor, Lytx, Inc.


The renewal of the Tier 3 management services and DriveCam online subscription service will allow for the continued operation of the video event recording system, which monitors unsafe or risky driving behavior the Department’s drivers and documents occurrences of heavy braking or quick stops and vehicles impacts.  Such behavior is then transmitted to the DriveCam Office for review and filtering of relevant events.  If poor driving behavior or contact with an object is noted, DriveCam provides a 12-second video to the Department for review and follow-up action, if required.  Having the system assists the department in reducing the number and severity of accidents and provides the City protection from false accident claims.


This recommendation is made pursuant to subsection 271.102(c) of the Texas Local Government Code, which provides that "a local government that purchases goods or services from a cooperative purchasing program or organization satisfies any state law requiring the local government to seek competitive bids for the purchase of the goods or services."


M/WBE Participation:

M/WBE Zero Percentage Goal approved by the Office of Business Opportunity.


Hire Houston First:

The procurement is exempt from the City’s Hire Houston First Ordinance.  Bids/proposals were not solicited because the department is utilizing an Interlocal Agreement or Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for this purchase.


Fiscal Note:

Funding for this item is included in the FY2022 Adopted Budget.  Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.



__________________________________                ___________________________________

Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer              Department Approval Authority

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division



Estimated Spending Authority



Out Years






Amount and Source of Funding:


General Fund

Fund 1000

Contact Information:




Barbara Fisher, Purchasing Manager


(832) 393-8722

Katie Moore, Sr. Procurement Specialist


(832) 393-8710

Regina Spencer, Purchasing Manager


(832) 393-0437



Cover sheetSigned Cover sheet
Cover sheetSigned Cover sheet