Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/10/2021
District I
Item Creation Date: 7/1/2021

PRD- ILA Buffalo Bend and Hidalgo Park Trail Connection

Agenda Item#: 22.


ORDINANCE appropriating $300,000.00 out of Parks and Recreation Dedication Fund; approving and authorizing Interlocal Agreement between City of Houston and HARRIS COUNTY for the Design, Construction, and Maintenance of a Hike and Bike Trail from Buffalo Bend Nature Park to Hidalgo Park - DISTRICT I - GALLEGOS


The Houston Parks and Recreation Department (HPARD) requests City Council approval of an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the City of Houston and Harris County to design, construct, and maintain a Hike and Bike Trail from Buffalo Bend Nature Park to Hidalgo Park. HPARD also requests Council approve an appropriation of funds to contribute toward the cost-share in the amount of $300,000.00.


The City and County desire to enter into an agreement to outline the financial and operational responsibilities of the Hike and Bike trail project. Through a separate agreement the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and Buffalo Partnership will also make financial contributions toward completing the estimated $1,625,000.00 project.  Along with a financial contribution, the County will be responsible for all engineering services and related support services necessary to prepare plans, specifications, and estimates and obtain all necessary permits, advertising, and securing bids for the construction of the project. The City will contribute $300,000.00 limited to building demolition, environmental remediation, and site restoration. Additionally, the City will review and have final approval of all recommendations made by the County.


The County is responsible for any additional construction cost above the City's contribution. The City may but is not obligated to contribute additional funds.


FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating impact is anticipated as a result of this project




Director's Signature:






Kenneth Allen, Interim Director

Houston Parks and Recreation Department

Amount and Source of Funding:


Park and Recreation Dedication Fund

Fund 4035 

Contact Information:
Jarrel Washington
Phone: 832-395-7069
Cover sheetSigned Cover sheet