Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/10/2021
Item Creation Date:

HFD - Interlocal Agreement - Harris County ESD 46

Agenda Item#: 9.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing Mutual Aid Agreement between the City of Houston and HARRIS COUNTY EMERGENCY SERVICES DISTRICT NO. 46 for an agreement to provide the provision of Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services


The Fire Chief for the Houston Fire Department recommends that City Council approve an ordinance authorizing an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Houston (the “City”) and Harris County Emergency Services District No.46 (“ESD 46”) for the purpose of Mutual Aid Agreement for the provision of fire protection and emergency medical services.


Ever so often, situations arise demanding the combined efforts of two or more firefighting departments to provide fire protection and emergency medical services in the area of the City and ESD 46. It would be in the best interest of both the City and ESD 46 and the citizens thereof, to enter into an Interlocal Agreement in order to provide better fire protection and emergency medical service by authorizing cooperation between the fire protection and emergency medical services of both parties of this agreement.


The Parties to this agreement agree to provide automatic assistance of fire protection in specified first alarm response areas identified in the Agreement. Only resources that are identified in the Agreement will be considered for the Automatic Aid response. The Parties agree that the Requesting Party shall reimburse the Responding Party its actual cost for providing fire protection mutual aid assistance that requires a response exceeding twelve (12) hours. No fire protection reimbursement shall be sought or granted for assistance provided that does not exceed twelve (12) hours. The cost of service or item shall be the actual and reasonable cost, to the extent permitted by law and regardless of whether the Requesting Party receives aid, grants, or reimbursement from any source. The Parties agree it may bill any patient for treatment and/or transport using its approved and standard rates system.







Samuel Peña, Fire Chief

Houston Fire Department


Amount and Source of Funding:



Contact Information:

Justin Wells                       Phone: 832-394-6712

Richard Galvan                 Phone: 832-394-6908

Michelle McLeod               Phone: 832-394-6744



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