Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 8/10/2021
Item Creation Date:

HPW-20TSR11 Additional Appropriation / EPIC Transportation Group, LP

Agenda Item#: 28.


ORDINANCE appropriating $525,000.00 out of Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund – Ad Valorem Tax as an additional appropriation to Professional Engineering Services Contract between City of Houston and EPIC TRANSPORTATION GROUP, LP for Citywide Traffic Signal Rebuild Package #2 (as approved by Ordinance No. 2017-0524); providing funding for CIP Cost Recovery financed by the Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund - Ad Valorem Tax


SUBJECT: Additional Appropriation to Professional Engineering Services Contract between the City and EPIC Transportation Group, LP for Citywide Traffic Signal Rebuild Package #12.


RECOMMENDATION: Approve an ordinance appropriating additional funds to the Professional Engineering Services Contract for Citywide Traffic Signal Rebuild Package #12 with EPIC Transportation Group, LP.


PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project is part of the Street and Traffic Capital Improvement Plan. This project will improve citywide mobility, reduce accidents, and relieve congestion.


DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consists of the design of one annually programmed work order contract to rebuild traffic signals throughout the city at approximately 6-10 locations to be identified by Transportation and Drainage Operations. This contract consists of developing complete traffic signal plans, specifications and estimates for traffic signal construction.  This project will improve the flow of traffic and reduce accidents at various locations.


LOCATION: The project locations are throughout the City.


PREVIOUS HISTORY AND SCOPE:  City Council approved the original Contract on July 19, 2017 under Ordinance No. 2017-0524. The original Contract consisted of performing a variety of services such as data collection, traffic analysis, signal warrant analysis, signal timing development, traffic signal designs, conceptual geometric designs, and construction documents for minor roadway geometrics improvements. 


SCOPE OF THIS ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATION:  The requested additional appropriation will accomplish tasks including data collection, traffic analysis, signal warrant analysis, signal timing development, traffic signal designs, conceptual geometric designs, and construction documents for minor roadway geometrics improvements as needed.


The total requested appropriation is $525,000.00 to be appropriated as follows: $500,000.00 for contract services, and $25,000.00 for CIP Cost Recovery.


PAY OR PLAY PROGRAM: The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors.  In this case, the contractor provides health benefits to eligible employee in compliance with City policy.


M/WBE PARTICIPATION:  The M/WBE goal established for this project is 24.00%.  The original Contract amount totals $541,667.00.  The contractor has been paid $356,560.74 (65.83%) to date.  Of this amount, $241,883.29 (67.83%) has been paid to M/WDBE sub-consultants to date. Assuming approval of the requested additional appropriation, the contract amount will increase to $1,041,667.00. The Consultant proposes the following plan to meet the M/WDBE goal:



Name of Firm

Work Description


% of Total

Paid Prior M/WDBE Commitment

$ 241,883.29


Unpaid Prior M/WDBE

$ 48,822.00


1. Western Group Consultants


$ 86,957.00


2. Geotest Engineering, Inc.


$ 21,739.00



$ 399,401.29




FISCAL NOTE:  No significant Fiscal Operating Impact is anticipated as a result of this project.









Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works


WBS No. N-321040-0041-3


Prior Council Action:
Ordinance No. 2017-0524, dated 07-19-2017
Amount and Source of Funding:

$525,000.00 from Fund No. 4046 – Dedicated Drainage and Street Renewal Capital Fund-Ad Valorem Tax


Original (previous) appropriation of $650,000.00 from Fund No. 4040 – METRO Projects Construction DDSRF.

Contact Information:

Patrick Nguyen

Division Manager, Project Delivery

Phone: (713) 843-5439



Michael Wahl, P.E. PTOE

Assistant Director

Phone: (832) 395-2443

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