Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 3/23/2021
District H
Item Creation Date: 2/19/2021

25PARK367 - Accept Work - Squatty Lyons Park - Millis Development and Construction, LLC

Agenda Item#: 9.


RECOMMENDATION from Director General Services Department for approval of final contract amount of $2,814,241.96 and acceptance of work on contract with MILLIS DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION, LLC for Squatty Lyons Park - 3.61% over the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency - DISTRICT H - CISNEROS



RECOMMENDATION: The General Services Department recommends approval of a final contract amount of $2,814,241.96 and acceptance of work on the contract with Millis Development and Construction, LLC for Squatty Lyons Park – 3.61% over the original contract amount and under the 5% contingency.


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: The General Services Department recommends that City Council approve a final contract amount of $2,814,241.96, accept the work and authorize final payment to Millis Development and Construction, LLC for construction services in connection with Squatty Lyons Park, for the Houston Parks and Recreation Department. 


PROJECT LOCATION:         1701 Chamberlain Street; Houston, TX 77093



PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project renovated three baseball fields and replaced fences/backstops, dugouts and lighting at two fields; regraded and replaced the irrigation at three fields; installed a new parking lot and a prefab building for restrooms, storage and concessions; installed a new playground, walkways, site amenities, security lighting, landscaping and irrigation.


Clark Condon Associates, Inc. was the design consultant for the project.


CONTRACT COMPLETION AND COST: The contractor completed the project within 341 days:  the original contract time of 270 days, plus 71 days approved by Change Orders. The final cost of the project, including Change Orders, is $2,814,241.96, an increase of $98,029.96 over the original contract amount.


PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: Change Order Nos. 1 – 4 deleted old field lights and replaced them with new energy efficient lights; pruned limbs affecting Field 5; demolished and removed an existing concrete slab; adjusted grading between the fields, plaza, and drain inlets; relocated a CenterPoint gas line; installed a batting cage with a concrete pad; installed artificial turf on the batting cage pad; painted two existing shade structures; installed 685 linear feet of 6’ ornamental fence; installed an irrigation system around the playground and central walkway; replaced valve boxes; installed a new sidewalk from the plaza to the new batting cage; and added non-compensable days to the contract.

M/WBE PARTICIPATION:  The contract contained an 18% MBE goal and a 10% WBE goal.  According to the Office of Business Opportunity, the contractor achieved 25.91% MBE participation, 10.02% WBE participation and 1.12% SBE participation and was assigned an outstanding rating. 



WBS No:  F-000705-0001-4

















C. J. Messiah, Jr.

General Services Department






Kenneth Allen

Interim Director

Houston Parks and Recreation Department







Prior Council Action:
Ordinance No. 2019-531; July 10, 2019
Amount and Source of Funding:

No Additional Funding Required


Previous Funding

$     85,000.00 Parks Special Fund (4012)
$     20,057.00 Parks & Recreation Dedication Fund (4035)
$1,847,000.00 Parks Consolidated Construction Fund (4502)
$1,000,000.00 State-Grant Funded (5010) – Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
$2,952,057.00 Total Funding

Contact Information:
Enid Howard
Council Liaison
Phone: 832.393.8023
Signed Coversheet fully executed Signed Cover sheet