SUBJECT: Facilities Extension Agreement (FEA) between the City of Houston (City) and CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CNP) for street lighting along West Airport Boulevard project from Hiram Clarke Road to FM 521.
RECOMMENDATION: Adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing a Facilities Extension Agreement between the City of Houston (City) and CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric, LLC (CNP) for street lighting along for West Airport Boulevard from Hiram Clarke Road to FM 521 and appropriate funds.
PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This agreement is for street lighting along West Airport Boulevard from Hiram Clarke to FM 521. Construction of the four-lane divided roadway has been completed and accepted by the City on January 22, 2021. No funds were appropriated for street lights to be installed on this project. This FEA covers only the streetlight portion of the project.
DESCRIPTION: This project consists of the installation of streetlights on a newly constructed four-lane divided roadway along West Airport Boulevard from Hiram Clarke to FM 521.
LOCATION: The project area is generally bound by Holmes Road on the north, West Orem Road on the south, S.H. 288 on the east and South Post Oak on the west.
SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT AND FEE: The agreement between the City and CNP entails installation of 108 underground streetlights, 75 streetlight risers, 5 streetlight relays, 2-50 KVA overhead transformers, 6 pull boxes and 23700’ +/- of underground streetlight conductor in 2” PVC conduit.
The total requested amount of $147,243.00 is to be appropriated as follows: $140,231.00 for cost of the project, $7,012.00 for CIP Cost Recovery.
FISCAL NOTE: No significant Fiscal Operating Impact is anticipated as a result of this project.
ACTION RECOMMENDED: It is recommended that City Council adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing a FEA between the City and CNP and appropriate funds.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director
Houston Public Works
WBS No(s). N-001310-0002-7