Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 2/16/2021
District G
Item Creation Date: 1/25/2021


Agenda Item#: 22.


ORDINANCE finding and determining public convenience and necessity for the acquisition of real property interests in connection with the Public Improvement Project known as the Water Line Replacement Along Westway Lane Project; authorizing the acquisition of fee simple or easement interest to parcels of land required for the project with four parcels  situated in the Joel Wheaton Survey, Abstract No. 80 in Harris County, Texas, by gift, dedication, purchase and the use of eminent domain and further authorizing payment of the costs of such purchases and/or eminent domain proceedings and associated costs for Relocation Assistance, Appraisal Fees, Title Policies/Services, Recording Fees, Court Costs, and Expert Witness Fees in connection with the acquisition of fee simple or easement interests to the four parcels of land required for the project - DISTRICT G - TRAVIS


SUBJECT: An ordinance for the WATER LINE REPLACEMENT ALONG WESTWAY LANE PROJECT be passed approving and authorizing the acquisition of parcels by dedication, purchase, or condemnation.


RECOMMENDATION: (Summary) An ordinance for the WATER LINE REPLACEMENT ALONG WESTWAY LANE PROJECT be passed approving and authorizing the acquisition of parcels by dedication, purchase, or condemnation.


SPECIFIC EXPLANATION: Houston Public Works is requesting that an ordinance for the WATER LINE REPLACEMENT ALONG WESTWAY LANE PROJECT be passed approving and authorizing the acquisition of parcels by dedication, purchase, or condemnation.


This project provides for the design and construction of water main extension projects to improve circulation and fire protection. This project is required for the City to provide quality water service, fire protection and to improve system reliability.


This action authorizes payment for costs of land purchases/condemnations, relocation assistance expenses, appraisal fees, title policies/services, recording fees and other acquisition costs in connection with negotiations to settle purchases; finds a public necessity for the project; and approves and authorizes the condemnation of the land and improvements thereon. If negotiations to acquire the property cannot be concluded as a dedication or purchase or for any reason for which acquisition by condemnation is warranted, this action authorizes the City Attorney to file or cause Eminent Domain proceedings to be filed and acquire land, rights-of-way and/or easements for said purposes and authorizes payment for the Award of Special Commissioners and court costs associated with condemnation proceedings. Parcels with a consideration that exceeds the spending authority threshold set by State law will be submitted to City Council as they are finalized. This will expedite the process of acquiring land, rights-of-way and/or easements in support of the WATER LINE REPLACEMENT ALONG WESTWAY LANE PROJECT.





Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director

Houston Public Works


WBS No. S-000700-A041-2

Prior Council Action:
Ordinance 2018-756, passed September 19, 2018
Amount and Source of Funding:
No additional funding required. (Funds were appropriated under Ordinance 2018-756)
Contact Information:

Marjorie L. Cox

Assistant Director–Real Estate Services

Phone: (832) 395-3130

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet