Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 12/8/2020

Item Creation Date: 11/18/2020

MYR ~ 2020 Lake Houston Zone ReAppts. ltr. 11-18-2020

Agenda Item#: 6.


REQUEST from Mayor for confirmation of the reappointment of the following to the LAKE HOUSTON REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS:

Position One - KIMBERLY ANN BRUSATORI, for a term to expire December 31, 2021

 Position Two - JEFFREY NIELSEN, for a term to expire 12/31/2022

 Position Three - PHILIP IVY, for a term to expire 12/31/2021

 Position Four - THOMAS L. BROAD, for a term to expire 12/31/2022

 Position Five - STANLEY J. SARMAN, for a term to expire 12/31/2021, and to serve as Chair for a term ending 12/31/2021

 Position Six - MARTIN BASALDUA, for a term to expire 12/31/2022


November 12, 2020



The Honorable City Council

City of Houston


Dear Council Members:


Pursuant to City of Houston, Texas Ordinance No. 97-1589, and Resolution No. 2013-62, I am nominating the following individuals for reappointment to the Reinvestment Zone Number Ten, City of Houston, Texas (Lake Houston Zone) (“Zone”) Board of Directors, subject to Council confirmation:


Kimberly Ann Brusatori, reappointment to Position One, for a term to expire December 31, 2021;

Jeffrey Nielsen, reappointment to Position Two, for a term to expire December 31, 2022;

Philip Ivy, reappointment to Position Three, for a term to expire December 31, 2021;

Thomas L. Broad, reappointment to Position Four, for a term to expire December 31, 2022;

Stanley J. Sarman, reappointment to Position Five, for a term to expire December 31, 2021, and to serve as Chair for a term ending December 31, 2021, and

Martin Basaldua, reappointment to Position Six, for a term to expire December 31, 2022.


Pursuant to the bylaws of the Lake Houston Redevelopment Authority (“Authority”), appointment by the City of a director to the Board of Directors of the Zone will also constitute appointment of same director to the corresponding position on the Board of Directors of the Authority for the same term.


The résumés of the nominees are attached for your review.






Sylvester Turner
