Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 12/1/2020
Item Creation Date:

HPW 20PMG13- Pretreatment Program

Agenda Item#: 16.


RESOLUTION supporting the provision of adequate resources and funding to operate the City of Houston Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program as required by 40 C.F.R. Section 403

This item should only be considered after passage of Item 15 above


SUBJECT:  A resolution supporting the provision of adequate resources and funding to operate the City of Houston industrial wastewater pretreatment program as contained in Chapter 47, Article V.

RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that City Council adopt the Resolution to commit adequate resources and funding to operate the City of Houston Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment Program as contained in Chapter 47, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances.

SPECIFIC EXPLANATIONAs required by the Clean Water Act and beginning in 1979, the City’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits were modified to include a schedule for development of a pretreatment program to prevent the introduction of pollutants into the publicly owned treatment works (POTW) from industrial sources which will cause interference, pass through, harm to POTW workers, or prevent the beneficial use of sludge. The program was initially approved in 1984 and subsequently modified in 1993. In conformance with the requirements of 40 CFR Part 403, the program includes an ordinance (Chapter 47, Article V of the City of Houston Code of Ordinances), Enforcement Response Plan (ERP), technically based local limits (TBLLs), and standard operating procedures (SOPs).  A revision to the industrial wastewater/pretreatment program is also included on this Agenda for consideration and approval and this funding resolution is a required by the state and federal regulators as part of the adoption of the revised industrial wastewater/pretreatment.


The TCEQ’s deadline for the City’s submittal of the Council-approved revised pretreatment program, which is also included on this Agenda for Council’s consideration and adoption, and this related funding resolution is December 31, 2020.


The revision to the industrial wastewater/pretreatment ordinance was presented to the Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure Committee on September 3, 2020, which commenced a 30-day public comment period that closed on October 5, 2020. 


Funding to operate the City of Houston industrial wastewater pretreatment program is included in the annual operating budget for Houston Public Works/Houston Water.




Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.
Houston Public Works


Amount and Source of Funding:
No funding required at this time. 

Contact Information:

Phillip Goodwin

Regulatory Compliance Director

Houston Public Works

(832) 395-3075 

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet