Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 10/27/2020
Item Creation Date: 10/15/2020

MYR - Council Approval to Accept Grant Funds Issued by OOG for Direct Services to Victims of Human Trafficking

Agenda Item#: 21.


ORDINANCE approving and authorizing the application for grant assistance to the OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR OF TEXAS FOR THE GENERAL VICTIM ASSISTANCE – DIRECT SERVICES PROGRAM by the City of Houston Mayor’s Office; declaring the City’s eligibility for such Grant; authorizing the City of Houston Mayor to act as the City’s representative in the application process, with the authority to accept the Grant and expend the Grant Funds, as awarded, and to apply for and accept all subsequent awards, if any, pertaining to the Grant


In 2018 Council approved an ordinance which provided two years of continuation funding for 3 anti-human trafficking case managers to leverage the Mayor's Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence's systems-level approach in meeting the need for comprehensive, victim-centered services including emergency shelter, intensive case management services, and referrals for healthcare and legal services.


Since our direct services program's inception in 2017 we served 301 confirmed and potential victims of human trafficking and provided 8,339 units of service. Because of our unique bridge to the shelter system, 77 unique clients also achieved longer-term housing. Victims served were diverse across gender, race, and age lines, and many had intersecting vulnerabilities, such as having experienced domestic violence and/or homelessness. Because of our program, case managers were able to rehabilitate victims by providing advocacy and accompaniment, offering emotional support and safety services such as crisis intervention, connecting victims with shelter and housing services, and making referrals. Our work is especially urgent now because of COVID-19's financial impact on victims who are often unable to leave abusive relationships because of financial dependency. Case managers raised awareness of COVID-19 resources with our 48 active clients, assisted those responsive with benefits applications, and helped set up bank accounts and register with the IRS for stimulus checks, bringing in $53,436 in resources for 26 clients.


Council is now asked to approve an Ordinance authorizing a grant application for $139,844.37 to the Office of the Governor of Texas for the General Victim Assistance - Direct Services Program by the City of Houston Mayor's Office to fund the program for 1 additional year (grant period is October 1, 2020 to September 30, 2021 but not to exceed 5 years). The application does require, and this ordinance authorizes, the allocation of $102,299.65 as the City's cash match contribution.


Fiscal Note:

  • Funding for this item is included in the FY21 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.
  • No Fiscal Note is required on grant items






Minal Patel Davis

Director, Mayor's Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance 2018-938 - November 28, 2018

Resolution 2017-0031 - December 12, 2017

Amount and Source of Funding:

$139,844.37 - Federal State Local - Pass Through Fund (5030)

$102,299.65 - General Fund (1000)

Contact Information:

Minal Patel Davis, Director

Mayor's Office of Human Trafficking and Domestic Violence

Phone: 832-393-0977 or 832-596-9965

Coversheet (revised)Signed Cover sheet