Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 10/27/2020
Item Creation Date:

L29663 - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Services - MOTION

Agenda Item#: 5.


STAR SERVICE, INC dba STAR SERVICE, INC of HOUSTON for approval of spending authority to Purchase Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Services through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the Harris County Department of Education for the General Services Department - 1 Year - $3,000,000.00 - Maintenance Renewal and Replacement Fund


S19-L29663 – Approve Spending Authority in the amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00 to purchase heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the Harris County Department of Education for the General Services Department.


Specific Explanation:

The Director of the General Services Department and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve spending authority to purchase heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services through the Interlocal Agreement for Cooperative Purchasing with the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) in the amount not to exceed $3,000,000.00 for the General Services Department.  It is further requested that authorization be given to issue purchase orders, as needed, for a 12-month period to the HCDE contractor, Star Service, Inc. dba Star Service, Inc. of Houston.  The Harris County Department of Education contractor will enable the General Services Department to continue with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services until the upcoming solicitation for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services is awarded.


The scope of work requires the Contractor to furnish all personnel, management, supervision, labor, replacement parts, equipment, tools, materials, supplies, testing equipment, chemicals, associated components, expendable items, transportation, facilities, permits and training required for Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Services, Building Automation Services (BAS), water treatment, and related equipment and components in a safe manner and in accordance with the most recent and effective HVAC procedures.


M/WBE Subcontracting:

The Harris County Department of Education Agreement does not have a M/WBE subcontracting component; however, Star Service, Inc. dba Star Service, Inc. of Houston has agreed to subcontract 11% of the work to certified City of Houston M/WBE firms and has designated the following companies as its certified M/WBE contractors.


Subcontractor_____             Type of Work                   Dollar Amount         Percentage

Washington & Sons Air           HVAC Services                 $ 75,000.00                    2.50%

Conditioning and Heating

Goes Sales of Texas, Inc.       Boiler Systems &              $ 75,000.00                    2.50%

dba Goes Heating Systems    Parts

TLC Engineering, Inc.             Engineering Services       $ 75,000.00                    2.50%

All – N – One Services,          Temporary Staffing           $105,000.00                   3.50%

LLC                                         Services



Pay or Play Program:

The proposed contract requires compliance with the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ ordinance regarding health benefits for employees of City contractors.  This procurement is exempt from the City’s ‘Pay or Play’ Program because the City is utilizing an interlocal or Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for this purchase.


Hire Houston First:

This procurement is exempt from the City’s Hire Houston First Ordinance.  Bids/proposals were not solicited because the City is utilizing an Interlocal Agreement or Cooperative Purchasing Agreement for this purchase.


Fiscal Note:

Funding for this item is included in the FY2021 Adopted Budget.  Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required in the Financial Policies.





__________________________________                 ___________________________________

Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer                Department Approval Authority Signature

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division



                                             ESTIMATED SPENDING AUTHORITY




Total Amount

General Services Department




Amount and Source of Funding:


Maintenance Renewal and Replacement Fund

Fund No.: 2105

Contact Information:

Richard Morris/832-393-8736

Roy Korthals/832-393-8734

Jacquelyn Nisby/832-393-8023

Cover SheetSigned Cover sheet