Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 11/10/2020
District C
Item Creation Date: 9/28/2020

HPW20PDP53 2016 FMA Home Elevation Second Deposit Agreement 5031 Braesheather Drive

Agenda Item#: 29.


ORDINANCE authorizing and approving contract between City and Property Owner(s) at 5031 Braesheather Drive, Houston, Texas 77096 for 2016 Flood Mitigation Assistance Second Home Elevation Project Deposit Agreement to pay for non grant-eligible work related to contract between City of Houston and Property Owner(s) at 5031 Braesheather Drive, Houston, Texas 77096 for 2016 Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project to be performed by PLANET THREE CONSULTING CORP - DISTRICT C - KAMIN


SUBJECT:This Second Home Elevation Project Deposit Agreement is entered into by and between the City of Houston and the property owner(s) at 5031 Braesheather Drive, Houston, Texas 77096.


RECOMMENDATION:(SUMMARY)Adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing the City of Houston / Homeowner 2016 Flood Mitigation Assistance Home Elevation Project Second Deposit Agreement between the City of Houston and the Homeowner(s) located at 5031 Braesheather Drive, Houston, Texas 77096 and disburse funds.


DESCRIPTION:This project consists of elevating the home located at 5031 Braesheather Drive, in accordance with the City of Houston flood plain ordinance (Chapter 19).


SCOPE OF THIS AGREEMENT:The Homeowner(s) entered into a contract (“Homeowner Contract”) with the City of Houston to accept 2016 Flood Mitigation Assistance grant funds to elevate their home located at 5031 Braesheather Drive. City Council approved this action on October 2, 2019, under Ordinance 2019-747. The Homeowner(s) also entered into a contract (“Contractor Agreement”) with Planet Three Consulting Corp., as part of the aforementioned Council action, to complete the engineering and construction of the home elevation project described in the Contractor Agreement.


Also on October 2, 2019, City Council approved Ordinance 2019-748, authorizing a deposit agreement in the amount of $19,062.68. This agreement included funds to elevate the home to a height of 7.14 feet and to upgrade to split-face block and capstone.


Subsequent to the passage of those Ordinances, the Homeowner has selected the additional non-eligible work:

-- Additional Elevation of 2.86 feet

-- Upgrade to split-face block and capstone for the additional elevation


Upon City Council approval of this agreement the Homeowner(s) have agreed to deposit the amount of $28,315.90 with the City to hold and disburse, as appropriate, to pay for costs associated with the engineering and construction of the elevation project not covered by the Flood Mitigation Assistance Grant (“Non-Eligible Work”). The City will disburse funds to the Contractor as the Homeowner(s) verifies completion of non-eligible grant contracted work.


M/WBE: The Contractor under this Agreement was encouraged but not required to participate in the City’s M/WBE Program, because it involves the use of federal funds and is subject to specific contract rules of the federal government for this Grant.


ACTION RECOMMENDED:It is recommended that the City Council adopt an ordinance approving and authorizing the “Second Deposit Agreement” for Non-Eligible Grant Work between the City of Houston and the Homeowner(s) at 5031 Braesheather Drive, Houston, Texas 77096.



No Fiscal Note is required on grant items.









Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.


Houston Public Works

Prior Council Action:

Ordinance 2018-103 Dated 02-14-2018

Ordinance 2019-747 Dated 10-2-2019

Ordinance 2019-748 Dated 10-2-2019
Amount and Source of Funding:

The City of Houston will be depositing these funds.


$ 28,315.90 - Fund 1021 - Grant Match Fund
Contact Information:

Jedediah Greenfield

Assistant Director

Coversheet (revised)Signed Cover sheet