Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 10/27/2020
Item Creation Date: 9/15/2020

HPW-20DWO60 Water Research Foundation

Agenda Item#: 2.


RECOMMENDATION from Houston Public Works for approval of payment of 2020/2021 Membership Dues to the WATER RESEARCH FOUNDATION - $476,357.71 - Enterprise Fund


SUBJECT: Approval of payment for the 2020/2021 Membership Dues to the Water Research Foundation.


RECOMMENDATION: (SUMMARY) City Council to approve a motion to pay the 2020/2021 Membership Dues to the Water Research Foundation.




BACKGROUND: The Water Research Foundation (WRF) is a member-supported, international nonprofit 201 (c)3 organization formed in 1966, that funds, manages and publishes research on the technology, operation, and management of drinking water, wastewater, reuse and storm water collection, treatment and supply systems-all in pursuit of ensuring water quality and improving water services to the public.


The WRF (1) provides the water community with access to an expanded collection of water research, (2) leverages funding more successfully, (3) shares a greater knowledge base, and (4) more effectively communicates new results and research needs with federal and state regulators.


PURPOSES: The City of Houston, along with other member utilities, asks the Water Research Foundation to solicit research proposals to identify the best available technology, such as granular activated carbon, membrane technology, ion exchange and alternate disinfectants for the removal of contaminants which have been identified as candidates for regulation or which are being proposed for regulation. The foundation also adopts projects that deal with the study of new technologies which could help treatment plants operate more efficiently and economically or for research which could evaluate the risks and/or costs benefits associated with regulating certain contaminants.


The program is international in scope and the results will benefit all water utilities, including the City of Houston and its customers. The primary benefit that they offer to the City of Houston, and to all utility subscribers, is participation in the centralized research program that is directed by and conducted on behalf of the drinking water community.


As a result of the program, the drinking water community has realized savings of millions of dollars annually. The Foundation has demonstrated the value of an industry-sponsored research program that benefits the drinking water community and the customer.


BENEFITS: As a member of the Water Research Foundation, the City of Houston will receive research on today's most complex challenges. With the long list of proposed regulations now facing the water industry in the short term, this membership will continue to play a vital role in ensuring that the City of Houston is ready to meet these regulations in an efficient and timely manner.


DUES: The annual subscription cost is calculated based on the Total Water Produced Per Year, Average Daily Flow, and the Population Served.


Recommend that City Council approve the Houston Public Work's request to pay WRF the invoiced amount of $476,357.71.



This matter was presented to the Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure Committee meeting on October 1, 2020.



FISCAL NOTE: Funding for this item is included in the FY2021 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.




Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E.


Houston Public Works



Prior Council Action:
Motion 2019-0524, dated 10/16/19
Amount and Source of Funding:

$476,357.71 - Water and Sewer System Operating Fund (8300)

Contact Information:

Drew Molly

Senior Assistant Director

Phone: (832) 395-3785

Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet
Annual FeesBackup Material