Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 12/1/2020
Item Creation Date:

S26478 - PVC Gravity SDR-35 Sewer Pipes and Fittings - MOTION

Agenda Item#: 13.


CORE & MAIN LP for PVC Gravity SDR-35 Sewer Pipes and Fitting for Houston Public Works - 3 Years with two one-year options - $246,357.15 - Enterprise Fund


Formal Bids Received May 14, 2020 for S35-S26478 - Approve an award to Core & Main LP in the amount not to exceed $246,357.15 for PVC gravity SDR-35 sewer pipes and fittings for Houston Public Works.


Specific Explanation: 

The Director of Houston Public Works and the Chief Procurement Officer recommend that City Council approve an award to Core & Main LP on its low overall bid in an amount not to exceed $246,357.15 for PVC gravity SDR-35 sewer pipes and fittings for Houston Public Works. It is further requested that authorization be given to make purchases, as needed, for a 36-month period with two one-year options.  This award consists of PVC gravity SDR-35 sewer pipes and fittings to be used by the department to install new and/or replace residential and commercial PVC gravity SDR-35 sewer pipes and fittings citywide. 


This project was advertised in accordance with the requirements of the State of Texas bid laws. Nine prospective bidders downloaded the solicitation document from SPD's e-bidding website, and five bids were received as outlined below.


Core & Main LP:  Award on its low overall bid for Group I, Line Item Nos. 1 - 8 (sewer pipes); Group II, Line Item Nos. 1 - 3 and 5 - 18 (tees, elbows, inserts, Y-branches and connectors); Group III, Line Item Nos. 1 - 9 (couplings); and Group IV, Line Item Nos. 1 and 2 (solvent cleaners and cement) in the amount not to exceed $246,357.15.


    Company                                                                 Total Amount

1. Fortiline, Inc.                                                             $214,372.32 (Partial Bid/Higher Unit Price)

2. Core & Main LP                                                       $246,357.15

3. CoBurn Supply Company, Inc.                                 $274,382.68

4. Atomac Ltd                                                                $307,584.85

5. Mann Flow Controls, Inc.                                          $597,122.51   


Group II, Item No. 4 is not being awarded. This item will be purchased on an as needed basis. 


MWBE Subcontracting:

This bid was issued with a 3% goal for MWBE participation. Core & Main LP submitted a Good Faith Effort request to the Office of Business Opportunity which was approved. Therefore, they will not be required to meet the 3% goal.


Hire Houston First:

The proposed award requires compliance with the City's 'Hire Houston First' (HHF) ordinance that promotes economic opportunity for Houston businesses and supports job creation. In this case, Core & Main LP does not meet the requirements for HHF designation; no HHF firms were within three percent.


Fiscal Note:

Funding for this item is included in the FY2021 Adopted Budget. Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.



____________________________________                   _________________________________

Jerry Adams, Chief Procurement Officer                      Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director 

Finance/Strategic Procurement Division                       Houston Public Works


                                                   Estimated Spending Authority



Out Years


Houston Public Works 




Amount and Source of Funding:


HPW-Water & Sewer System Operating Fund

Fund No.: 8300

Contact Information:

Desiree Heath            SPD  832-393-8742

John Dearmon           SPD  832-393-8744

Jedediah Greenfield  HPW 832-395-3218

Cover sheetSigned Cover sheet
HPW Signed CoversheetSigned Cover sheet