Item Coversheet


Meeting Date: 10/27/2020

Item Creation Date:

HPD - Extension of Injury on Duty Leave - Sergeant Steven Brown

Agenda Item#: 1.


RECOMMENDATION from Chief of Police for Extension of Injury on Duty Leave (Salary Continuation) for  Sergeant STEVEN BROWN, for the period September 14, 2020 to December 12, 2020


The Chief of Police for the Houston Police Department (HPD) recommends that City Council approve to extend Injury on Duty Leave (Salary Continuation) for a classified member of the Houston Police Department, Sergeant Steven Brown (Employee No.111640).


Sergeant Steven Brown was injured on March 17, 2019 when he was involved in a motor vehicle accident. Sergeant Brown sustained major injuries to his right elbow, left knee, right ankle, neck, mid back, and lower back which required extensive medical treatment and recovery time.


Sergeant Brown’s first 12-month period of injury leave ended on March 17, 2020.  Pursuant to City Ordinance 14-226 (c), City Council approval is required to extend Sergeant Brown’s injury leave for an additional 90 days. City Council previously approved the second 90-day extension that will expire on September 13, 2020. HPD is making its third request for a 90-day extension for the period of September 14, 2020 to December 12, 2020 which will result in salary continuation of $13,229.40 during this period.



Fiscal Note:

Funding for this item is included in the FY2021 Adopted Budget.  Therefore, no Fiscal Note is required as stated in the Financial Policies.









_______________________                                   _______________________

Art Acevedo                                                              Jane Cheeks
Chief of Police                                                          Human Resources Director


Prior Council Action:

Motion 2020-0363


Amount and Source of Funding:


General Fund

Fund 1000

Contact Information:

Betsy Ramos, HR     832.393.6167

Sonja Odat, HPD      713.308.1728

Signed RCASigned Cover sheet