SUBJECT: Accept Work for Wastewater System/Substitute Service Support – Craigmont.
RECOMMENDATION: (Summary) Pass a motion to approve the final contract amount of $415,155.25, which is 9.38% under the original contract amount, accept the work, and authorize final payment.
PROJECT NOTICE/JUSTIFICATION: This project was part of the Neighborhood Back Lot Wastewater Substitute Service Program and was required to provide the relocation of sanitary sewer service lines from back lots to front lots.
DESCRIPTION/SCOPE: This project consisted of the relocation of sanitary sewer service lines for 113 properties. The relocations included the abandonment of sewer service lines to the back lot sewer mains and the connection of new sanitary sewer service lines to sewer mains within the street right-of-way. The project was awarded to Horseshoe Construction, Inc. with an original contract amount of $458,115.00. The Notice to Proceed date was 06/29/2017 and the project had 470 calendar days for completion.
LOCATION: The project area was generally bound by Telephone Road on the north, Carrolton Street on the south, Sutherland Street on the east and Wilshire Street on the west.
CONTRACT COMPLETION AND COST: The contractor, Horseshoe Construction, Inc., has completed the work under the contract. The contract was completed within the contract time. The final cost of the project is $415,155.25 a decrease of $42,959.75 or 9.38% under the original contract amount. Less backfill, pavement restoration and permits were needed than anticipated.
MWDBE PARTICIPATION: No City M/WBE participation goal was established for this project as the contract amount did not exceed the threshold of $1,000,000.00 required for a goal oriented contract per Section 15-82 of the Code of Ordinances.
Carol Ellinger Haddock, P.E., Director
Houston Public Works
WBS# R-002015-0003-4
File No. WW5108-11